Profile Builder Pro

Profile Builder Pro 3.11.0 Nulled

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thanks to dear member @anne updated Profile Builder Pro with a new update entry:


* Fix: An issue with the Simple Upload field
* Misc: Load back-end scripts for Mailchimp and Campaign Monitor add-ons only on necessary pages
* Misc: Remove styling for PMS Email Confirmation form from the Form Designs feature
* Misc: Properly style the WPPB Resent Email Confirmation form using the Form Designs
* Misc: Add {{approval_url}} and {{{approval_link}}} tags to the EPAA admin email

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thanks to dear member @theresa updated Profile Builder Pro with a new update entry:


* Fix: Issue with Multi-Step forms error triggered from the repeat password field was resetting the form back to the first step
* Fix: Issue with the WYSIWYG when the field was placed under approval from the EPAA add-on
* Fix: The Mailchimp and Campaign Monitor fields can now be added correctly from Form Fields
* Misc: Small styling fix for the form styles functionality

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thanks to dear member @netman updated Profile Builder Pro with a new update entry:


* Fix: Don't run EPAA replace user meta filters in back-end
* Fix: An issue with avatar display in the Glimplist Userlisting theme
* Misc: Added extra Userlisting merge tag for website field that can be used to display the value using an HTML anchor
* Misc: Added an action after an admin reviews a user through the EPAA add-on: wppb_epaa_admin_reviewed_user

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thanks to dear member @richard updated Profile Builder Pro with a new update entry:


* Fix: Security issue with a field from the 2FA functionality on the edit profile form. Thanks to Dave Jong from Patchstack
* Fix: Sensitive data exposure due to improper verifications when displaying 2FA additional fields. Thanks to Dave Jong from Patchstack
* Fix: Security issue regarding Social Connect. Thanks to Dave Jong from Patchstack
* Fix: Issue where the faceted menu fields from a Userlisting were hidden in a case
* Fix: For Userlisting Gutenberg block not loading in front-end

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thanks to dear member @Zechariah updated Profile Builder Pro with a new update entry:


* Fix: Userlisting faceted menus over Role fields will now properly display only the available roles for that particular Userlisting on multisite
* Fix: Front-end issue with WYSIWYG fields where the icons from TinyMCE where not displaying correctly
* Fix: Added support to validate Repeater Fields on the WooCommerce Checkout when PB fields are shown there using the WooCommerce Sync extension

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thanks to dear member @Zechariah updated Profile Builder Pro with a new update entry:


* Fix: Issue with 2FA functionality not working correctly when language was different than English
* Fix: Match styles of the 2FA fields with the form designs
* Fix: Issue with Selects that are part of a Repeater group and the form designs
* Fix: Allow change of the font family for the form designs when trying to customize the form with Elementor

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thanks to dear member @chavez updated Profile Builder Pro with a new update entry:


* Fix: Validation issue with Conditional Logic and the PMS Stripe gateway
* Fix: Activating/deactivating 2FA fuctionality from front-end where it wasn't working correctly in some cases
* Misc: Container adjustments for Single Userlisting
* Misc: Small fixes for the Userlisting Design Reset functionality

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