sh404SEF - best joomla seo plugin

sh404SEF - best joomla seo plugin

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Author Johan
Creation date
- Added discontinuation reminder panel in admin with link to more information
Undefined constant fatal error on PHP 8 under some circumstances
Style and script html tags may not be removed when building automatic meta description
Possible PHP warnings Array to String conversion when non-sef urls with multiple arrays are used
Possible PHP warnings when using simple encoding on some component.


Version 4.24.6​

bug - Undefined constant fatal error on PHP 8 under some circumstances
bug - Style and script html tags may not be removed when building automatic meta description
bug - Possible PHP warnings Array to String conversion when non-sef urls with multiple arrays are used
bug - Possible PHP warnings when using simple encoding on some component.
Added Chronoforms to list of extensions needing $_GET workaround
Possible fatal error when creating SEF URLs programmatically from the admin
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Reactions: alperella
Display Whatsapp sharing icon regardless of device size
Clarified Joomla and php message on version requirements in install script.
Updated pagination class to allow templates layout overrides for pagination
Removed Offline mode plugin, not needed in a long time due to Joomla handling offline status code properly
Hooks to modify page title and custom description can now be ran even if Joomla caching is enabled
Depart from Twitter colors on static sharing buttons to give them enough contrast ratio
Make sure all static buttons have a unique id attribute for accessibility
Possible PHP warning on rare URLs configurations (JReviews)
Possible PHP warning when using canonical alias rules
We're pleased to announce the release of sh404SEF version 4.23.2. This is a maintenance release which fixes likely the longest standing bug in sh404SEF history, just above 10 years since it was introdcued!

Important: sh404SEF now requires Joomla 3.9.0 or more recent. It won't install or update on older Joomla versions.

Important: As per previous notices, all our extensions now require PHP 5.6 as a minimum PHP version. sh404SEF or wbAMP will not install or update if a lower PHP version is detected.

Here are the highlights:

  • Improved cleaning of Breadcrumbs structured data links provided by Joomla
  • Analytics graphs show errors. Bug in Google Chart, forced using version 49 to workaround.
  • Prevent K2 structured data breaking the page when sh404SEF tags are used to insert social buttons
  • There may be 2 URLs selected as main for custom URLS after performing a 404 errors purge operation. Longest standing bug in sh404SEF, thanks Andrea!
  • Wrong page number on category blog page titles if number of leading items per page is not default
  • Possible fatal error when creating SEF URLs programmatically from the backend
  • Page title is not translated on 404 error page when using the Joomla error page instead of the sh404SEF one.

Please see this page for a full changelog. This release is immediately available both from the download area and using the one-click Joomla! updater of your web site.

Support for Google Analytics version 4 snippets
sh404SEF® makes sure your Joomla! site follows recommended search engines optimization guidelines. From duplicate content management to analytics, and including social networks connector, a really useful 404 error page and more, we handle the tedious work automatically, and provide tools so that you can do the rest!