
Tag siropu are a total of 5 Tags,Currently on page 1, in NullPro Website
This add-on allows you to translate phrases of add-ons or entire language packs using ChatGPT. Features Translate button for individual phrases when edited. Translate button for phrases on "Translate phrases" page. Mass translation page where you can translate phrases for selected add-ons...
Ads Manager 2 is the new and improved version of Ads Manager 1, designed for XenForo 2. Ads Manager 2 allows you to make money by displaying your own ads or by selling ad spaces on your forum (or both). There are 11 ad types available: 1. Code Display HTML/JavaScript ads such as affiliate...
A feature rich widget that display recent posts in a block, thread list style (same as forum view). Widget features Set maximum entries to display Display entries within the last x days Exclude certain forums Include only certain forums Exclude certain threads Include only certain threads Set...
Allows you to link keywords in thread posts, thread custom fields, conversation messages, profile posts, resource manager descriptions, AMS articles and Showcase items. Keyword Options Replacement - Replace the matched keyword with something else Title - As an anchor title or as a tooltip...
Minimum age required - Enable shoutbox based on user's age. Shoutbox refresh interval - Allows you to set refresh interval for new messages. This option can be disabled. Shoutbox refresh timeout - Stop refresh interval for inactive users after x minutes Maximum shout length - Set the maximum...