Magento market is ready to introduce product subscriptions

l1admin689 Admin
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May 31, 2020
As we all witness now and for the past few years, customers and businesses alike grow more demanding towards continuous delivery of product and service quality. The market is evolving faster than ever, and it’s becoming harder for business owners to keep up.
In this situation, the necessity for extension builders like ourselves to deliver innovative solutions and high-quality services more and more frequently while maintaining the highest quality standards to sustain the growing demand is becoming a “must” rather than a “should-be”.
Following the pre-announcement of subscriptions introduction for Magento Marketplace by Adobe, we, along with the leading Magento extension providers, including Mageplaza, Aheadworks, Mirasvit, Mageworx, Meetanshi, and MageComp are now ready to make a joint effort and rethink our approach to ensure continuous value delivery to our customers.

Starting February 1, 2022, we are launching annual product subscriptions, meaning that all products within new orders will become available by subscription only, replacing the old “one-time-payment” model.​

Over the last few years, we’ve seen a transformational change that's happening throughout the economy. An ever-increasing number of global B2C and B2B companies are switching to the subscription-based business model.
E-commerce platforms like WooCommerce and Shopware have already adapted to the subscription model, making access to the software and updates an option of their clients’ choice. This model has made it possible for them to provide end-users with everlasting integration of new features and crucial updates to the existing products. Today we can say that this new market reality has already transformed B2B companies confirming its benefits for both clients and businesses.
We, on our part, want to go even further and ensure that a subscription is not only about the product. It’s about our customers having complete peace of mind with full coverage of their needs:
  • lifetime access to the original code base
  • availability of all Magento versions and inter-product compatibilities
  • availability of all new features delivered within the product line
  • and full support coverage for the product during the entire subscription period.
This new model, among other things, will help us continuously deliver what the clients see the most value in:
  • higher product quality owing to continuous investment in development and compatibility assurance
  • regular functional updates based on the latest development approaches and user experience practices due to continuous market research
  • warranties for the stability of services and full coverage with integrated updates and support.
We see this opportunity as a new grand step towards making the Magento ecosystem the place where every business will succeed.
More information is still to come. Stay tuned!