Multilingual and Multistore Sitemap Pro – SEO

Multilingual and Multistore Sitemap Pro – SEO 1.6.6

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hargrave First Sergeant
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Sep 11, 2021
thanks to dear member @hargrave submitted a new resource:

Multilingual and Multistore Sitemap Pro – SEO - Generate sitemaps of all the urls of your store automatically (cron), in all the languages of store

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Generate sitemaps of all the urls of your store automatically (cron), in all the languages of your store (multilingual), for all your stores (multistore) and including product, categories and manufacturer images.

Improve your shop SEO by generating a Sitemaps! Index your shop urls in the search engine (Google, Bing, Ask) quick and easily. With our module, you can automate the generation and configuration of your Sitemaps, so you do not have to worry about.

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