Offload Plugin - Offload assets & user content

Offload Plugin - Offload assets & user content 2.0.0

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hargrave First Sergeant
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Sep 11, 2021
thanks to dear member @hargrave submitted a new resource:

Offload Plugin - Offload assets & user content - a script that allows the owner of the website to completely offload either the assets of website

View attachment 42973
The offload plugin is a script that allows the owner of the website to completely offload either the assets of the website (JS, CSS, Images files) or/and the user-uploaded content (logos, avatars) on an external storage system.

The plugin is compatible with the 11Uptime, 66Analytics, EasyQR, phpBiolinks & SocialProofo products.

The plugin works with AWS S3, DigitalOcean Spaces & Vultr Objects, Wasabi.


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