[PixelExit] Bolt (White and Dark)

[PixelExit] Bolt (White and Dark) 2.2.13

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hellobut First Sergeant
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Aug 6, 2020
hellobut submitted a new resource:

[PixelExit] Bolt (White and Dark) - Bolt is backed by an extremely powerful style framework called XenBase.

Bolt is backed by an extremely powerful style framework called XenBase. It is the framework that powers all of our styles. We are constantly evolving and improving the framework to make it the best possible experience for you. It includes hundreds of options for you to customize and really make your style your own.

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hellobut updated [PixelExit] Bolt (White and Dark) with a new update entry:


Hello everyone, we're pushing our 2.2.8 updates out today. Once you receive the email, you'll be able to download it immediately with an active license via your purchase area.

This update simply fixes a few minor bugs and addresses the two outdated templates that are appearing on the latest version of XF (2.2.8). Bolt Dark has also received a massive color overhaul. See below for details on that.

Templates changed:...

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