RSForm! Pro - Plugin - Google reCAPTCHA 2.0 - No CAPTCHA (Spam protection)

RSForm! Pro - Plugin - Google reCAPTCHA 2.0 - No CAPTCHA (Spam protection) 3.1.0

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Dano627775 Staff Sergeant
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Dec 27, 2021
thanks to dear member @Dano627775 submitted a new resource:

RSForm! Pro - Plugin - Google reCAPTCHA 2.0 - No CAPTCHA (Spam protection) 3.0.1 - Allows you to create a user registration form with RSform!Pro

The RSForm!Pro - Joomla! user registration Plugin allows you to create a user registration form with RSform!Pro. With this plugin you will be able to create your own custom registration forms for that extra information that you need to collect.

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