AAWP - Amazon Affiliate for WordPress

AAWP - Amazon Affiliate for WordPress Nulled

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Author anne
Creation date
* Tweak: Soap extension is no longer a required dependency
* Tweak: Add image dimensions to prime logo
* Tweak: Confirmation popup box when using AAWP API setting
* Tweak: Send bloginfo as header when requesting AAWP API
* Fix: Incorrect savings percentage for products fetched from AAWP API
* Fix: License validation issue when there's already a license activated
* Fix: Incorrect total products count in products overview page due to cache
* Fix: Trailing comma at the end of ASIN cause issues
* Tweak: Add plugin version in every request to AAWP API
* Tweak: Exclude http call for clicks when on admin interface
* Fix: Images & description not fetched for some categories like books with AAWP API
* Fix: Creation of dynamic property is deprecated in PHP 8.2
* Fix: Sorting issue when price contains a thousads separator in EUR currency
* New: AAWP API usage in usage tracking
* Fix: Field name conflict between Amazon's API & AAWP API connect
* Tweak: Make AAWP Products API usage limit depending on the license limit
* Fix: Renewals via AAWP API even when Amazon is configured correctly
* Fix: Undefined function aawp_empty_database_tables() when removing AAWP API products in background
* Fix: Incorrect comparison table number in usage data
* Fix: Delete, Filter buttons not working on logs table
* New: Option to display discarded product, enabled by default
* Tweak: Invalid ASINs handling, all products that are not accessible via API are marked as "invalid"
* Tweak: Migrate default WP Cron Events to Action Scheduler
* Tweak: Scheduled Actions default filtering improvement
* Tweak: Usage callback run in "init" action
* Fix: Location tracking issue with page cache
* Fix: Incorrect prefix for canadian currency
* Fix: Display the clicks/products/logs dates based on site settings
* Fix: Output description on mobile devices option not working properly
* Fix: Prime icon loading issue when the image is served from CDN
* Info: Updated translations
* New: Built-in click tracking with a "Clicks" submenu
* New: Amazon Egypt is available as selectable store now
* New: Introduce Action Scheduler library to run background tasks
* New: AAWP API for Notifications box and Usage data
* New: Sale ribbon text option in block
* Tweak: Load frontend assets only where AAWP is used, respectively a new setting to load assets globally
* Tweak: Code Editor in Custom CSS box
* Tweak: Open editor general sidebar on AAWP Block click
* Tweak: Image proxy URL improvement
* Tweak: Products overview - filter by statuses
* Tweak: Load prime logo as image and no longer as background image
* Tweak: Introduce Tools page to combine "Support", "Logs" & "Scheduled Actions"
* Tweak: Products overview - when there are no products, the dropdown for search has been removed
* Tweak: Products overview - When image is not available, placeholder image is shown instead
* Tweak: Update AAWP logo on block & product search modal footer
* Tweak: Admin flyout hover color
* Fix: Localized store not working for SA & AE stores
* Fix: Incorrect add to cart link
* Fix: Incorrect sorting of products by date
* Fix: Products overview - when all products are deleted, it shows 0 products deleted
* Fix: Advanced Ads icon for AAWP Ad type
* Fix: Advanced Ads click statistics didn't work properly for AAWP Ad type
* Fix: Block logo size in widgets
* Fix: PHP 8 Deprecated message - required parameter $context follows optional parameter $user_id
* Fix: Use default value in case of no products found when settings isn't saved yet
* Fix: Incorrect print while missing dependencies
* Fix: CSS conflict for Ninja Tables
* Info: Updated translation files
* Fix: Plugin update issue with v3.19
* Fix: Database errors on activity logs when logs isn't enabled
* Fix: Typo on 'Database Garbase Collection'
* Info: New (RU & UK) & updated translations
* New: Amazon Belgium is available as selectable store now
* New: "Welcome Page" in admin area
* New: "Products Overview" in admin area
* New: "Activity Logs" in admin area
* New: Advanced Ads Integration
* New: Added "Link Overwrite" field for fields variant in Gutenberg block settings
* Tweak: Use Textrea instead of text field for custom description in block settings
* Tweak: Verify SSL when connecting to Bitly's API
* Fix: Non-printable characters in ASIN lead to incorrect DB results
* Fix: `PHP 8 Deprecated: required parameter $table_row_id follows optional parameter $default_class`
* Fix: Tracking ID per block wasn't working for comparison tables
* Fix: Syntax error on PHP 7.2 or lower with Elementor
* Info: Updated & Improved translations
* Info: WordPress 6.1 compatibility