Advanced Custom Fields pro

Advanced Custom Fields pro 2.7.7

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  • Implements the JFilters integration.
  • Telephone: Implements the Country Code Selector.
  • Fix: Display Conditions are not taken into account in the User Profile menu type.
  • Module Field: Mention module's ID next to the module title in the dropdown selection.
  • Gallery Field: Upload gallery items without saving the article/user/contact first.
  • [Gallery] Implements Tags Filtering.
  • [Gallery] Added {field.item_catid} and {field.item_catalias} Smart Tags.
  • [Gallery] Made the Original Image Resize Height optional in the Slideshow layout.
  • [Gallery] Fixed the "Regenerate Images" button not working in Joomla 5.
  • [File Upload] Fixed a PHP Warning in the YooTheme integration.
  • Improves YooTheme support when Falang is used.
  • [File Upload] Saving a description wouldn't respect new lines.
  • [File Upload] Improves Subform support in some edge cases.
  • [Gallery] Apply selected ordering when used in YooTheme Pro Dynamic Content.
  • [Gallery] Don't require Multiple Item Sources when used in YooTheme Dynamic Content, and Limit Files is set to 1.
  • [Map] Validation issue when the field was set as required.
  • [Country] Improves YooTheme support. Return either country name or code based on Return Value set.
  • [Address] Improves editor not allowing to select location under certain circumstances.


[Articles] Implements the Automatic Discovery option.
[Gallery] Adds support for the thumbnail, full image, source image, and captions on YooTheme Pro.
[Address] Adds support for all address properties on YooTheme Pro.
Chained Fields, FAQ and Map field are now compatible with Subform and YooTheme Pro.
[Upload] Adds support for the file URL, title, description, and subform support on YooTheme Pro.
Adds support for the label, URL, t...custom-fields-2-7-2?format=html'][B]2.7.2[/B][/HEADING]
[Gallery] Adds support for Image Watermarking.
[File Upload] Adds support for Image Resizing.
[Map] Limit the map markers using the Maximum Markers setting.
[Gallery] The uploaded images could be larger in size than original file size.
[Gallery] Resize Method other than "crop" wasn't taken into consideration.
[Gallery] Couldn't upload image from Joomla 4 Media Manager when used in Subform field.
[Articles] Ordering wasn't taken into consideration on the front-end.
Fix: Undefined property: Joomla\CMS\Object\CMSObject::$type when viewing a contact.
Fix: Compatibility issue with Joomla 5.
Removes deprecated fields Google Maps, OpenStreetMap and Bing Maps in favor of ACF Map.
Removes deprecated fields YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, Facebook Video and HTML5Video in favor of ACF Video.
- Implements the Map Field allowing you to create OpenStreetMap, Google Maps and Bing Maps with unlimited markers.
 Adds YooTheme Pro Dynamic Content support.
- [FAQ] Icon would become smaller in size when resizing the window.
- Fix: [File Upload] + [Gallery] Would not save fields as expected on some systems.
- Fix: [File Upload] + [Gallery] Couldn't use with YooTheme Pro Dynamic Content > Multiple Items Sources if Files Limit wasn't set to 0.
Implements the FAQ Field.
Adds YooTheme Pro support for the ACF - URL field.
Fix: ACF Articles would throw a php error on the front-end in Joomla 3 under certain circumstances.
Updates translations.
Implements the Countdown Field.
Implements the YooTheme Pro Dynamic Content Integration.
[Gallery] Adds the Justified theme.
[Gallery] Adds support for WebP images.
Fix: [File Upload] Fixes issues where saving and displaying of files wasn't working correctly.
Fix: [Articles] Ensure "By Status" filter always appears.
Fix: [File Upload] + [Gallery] Not saving files in the correct directory when used under Users > Fields.
Fix: [File Upload] + [Gallery] Fixes issue when using with Subform field and the "Repeatable" setting is disabled.
  • Implements the Articles field.
  • [File Upload] Adds ability to rename uploaded files
  • [File Upload] Adds ability to upload files in custom folders
  • [File Upload] Adds drag and drop sorting
  • [File Upload] Each file upload can now have a Title and a Description
  • Fix: [Gallery] Ensure the image's orientation is preserved when uploaded and resized.
  • Fix: [Gallery] The Media Manager may not allow uploading images.
  • Fix: [Chained Fields] May show duplicate dropdown values and would not display all dropdown values.