AIomatic - Automatic AI Content Writer

AIomatic - Automatic AI Content Writer 2.0.5

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Author pansy
Creation date
1. Added the ability to enter the AI Chatbot into "God Mode" - which will allow it to call WordPress functions directly. Using this EXPERIMENTAL functionality, the chatbot will be able to directly manage posts, change site settings and get site data. Usable only when an admin user is logged in. Warning! Experimental feature, backup your site if using it!
2. Added %%video_id%% to the YouTube video shortcodes
3. Added the ability to restrict the list of domains where the remote chatbot can be embedded
4. Added Arabic in the DeepL translator
5. Added the ability to style also the voice recording button in the chatbot
6. Added support for function calling with response parsing also in streaming mode for OpenAI API
7. Added support for function calling for OpenAI Assistants API
8. AI Taxonomy Description Writer: add the ability to process also taxonomies which already have a description
9. Fixed OmniBlock template loading/parsing
10. Fixed some visual selector issues in scraping
1. Added the ability to manually run OmniBlocks and to preview their results
2. Added a new OmniBlock type to trigger an OmniBlock rule using Webhooks and to send parameters to the rule using webhook parameters
3. Added the ability to embed the chatbot on remote websites, using iframes
4. Added a new OmniBlock type to extract related NLP entities for specific keywords (get Wiki links and entity details), using TextRazor
5. Added to the "Save Post" OmniBlock the ability to update an existing post, by ID
6. Added the ability to sort scraped product list from Amazon, in OmniBlocks
7. Added the ability to 'Simulate Post Editing' for the 'Existing Content Editor' from the 'AI Content Editor' menu, to check which posts will be affected by editing
8. Added the ability to set a custom comment date range for newly created AI comments from the 'AI Content Editor'
9. Added Anthropic Claude claude-3-haiku-20240307 model
10. Added the ability to the user aware chatbot to know the user role (using the %%user_role%% shortcode)
1. Added new Anthropic Claude 3 models: claude-3-opus-20240229 and claude-3-sonnet-20240229
2. Added the ability to the chatbot to create a set of predefined messages/questions which the chatbot will ask/say before the AI takes over the conversation
3. Added support for hierarhical taxonomy creation
4. Added the ability to enable/disable text-to-speech/video on separate chatbots
5. Added the ability to use vector database storage for chatbot messages persistent storage
6. Fixed custom field creation issue when AI content contained commas, in OmniBlocks
7. Fixed custom taxonomy creation in Save To WordPress Post OmniBlock
8. Fixes for chatbot persistent chats
1. Added the ability to upload a PDF files to the chatbot and to converse based on the pdf file's contents
2. Fixed Stable Diffusion Image Editor not working in case of some image sizes
3. Added streaming support for OpenRouter models
4. Added streaming support for Google Gemini Pro models
5. Fixed OpenAI AI Assistant creation/editing
6. Added the ability to manually trigger the writing using AI of existing taxonomy descriptions and SEO descriptions
7. Added support for gpt-3.5-turbo-0125 in AI model training
1. Added the ability to edit existing featured images of posts, using Stability.AI image editor feature (great value for SEO)
2. Added the ability to edit images found in post content, using Stability.AI image editor feature
3. Added new OmniBlock templates: create a detailed food recipe, create a motivational quote post
4. Added a new shortcode for the Website Scraper OmniBlock, to display scraped data in plain text format (remove HTML)
5. Added the ability to the Amazon Product Listing OmniBlock to specify a random number of products to be included in results (3-5)
6. Added the ability to the Post Creator OmniBlock to set also post slug
1. Improved Section Based Bulk AI Post Creator - randomly select images and videos for headings (not both at the same time)
2. Added a new OmniBlock template "Amazon Single Product Review"
3. Added a new OmniBlock template "Single Product Review by URL"
4. Added new settings fields for the "AI Text Foreach Line Of Input" OmniBlock: maximum lines to process, text to append and prepend to each block
5. Fixed a very old issue when all checkboxes could end up checked in rule settings
6. Added the ability to create pdf files from OmniBlocks, using this Extension:
7. Added the ability to read from pdf files in OmniBlocks, using the above extension
no change log for this version
1. Added a new OmniBlock to create Stable Diffusion Videos based on image URLs
2. Added a new OmniBlock to call any Webhook, adds maximum flexibility
3. Added the ability to use AI Vision in the 'AI Post Editor' (using the post's featured image), when editing or adding content/categories/tags/comments/SEO meta description to posts
4. Added the ability to copy generated AI podcast audio/video files to configured cloud storages
5. Added the ability to display the embedded chatbot on your site only on specific days or daily, only between specific hours
6. Added a column in post listing view, to see which post was edited by Aiomatic and which not
7. Fixed future posts duplication issue
8. Fixed Stable Diffusion image OmniBlock results
1. Added the ability to create html files in OmniBlock File blocks
2. Improved RSS scraper and SERP scraper OmniBlocks: now they can scrape found links, limit character count of scraped data and parse the scraped data using an AI prompt (to analyze the scraped data)
3. Fixed OmniBlock displaying on low resolution devices
4. Fixed issues appearing in rule settings in some cases when assistants were selected
5. Fixed OmniBlock rule duplication
6. Improved OmniBlock shortcode buttons
1. OmniBlocks now can save generated content to files, locally on your server's storage. Find them in the 'OmniBlocks Files' tab, from OmniBlocks menu
2. New OmniBlocks added: "Load From File" and "Save To File"
3. OmniBlock Files can be also uploaded to Cloud Storage, to: Amazon S3, Wasabi, CloudFlare R2, Digital Ocean Spaces, if you have the "Aiomatic Extension: Amazon S3 Storage" plugin active
4. AI model temperature can now be set to a maximum of 2 instead of 1
5. Fixed multiple reported issues