Amazon Fulfillment (MCF) for WooCommerce

Amazon Fulfillment (MCF) for WooCommerce 4.2.2

No permission to download
* Tracking code fixes and order checks
* Better logging
* Connection url updates.
* Code fixes and improvements.
* PHP 7 compatibility fix.
* Other code fixes and improvements.
* Add integration with Shipment Tracking plugin.
* Only show tracking order notes once when syncing the order status.
Fix order sync tracking details.
* Improved option settings usage
* Fix issues with shipping cost calculations.
* Add logging for shipping calculation errors.
* Fix issues with fulfilment.
* Code improvements.
* Added setting option to only sync products that fulfil with Amazon.
* Added API timeout default duration to allow for adequate API request time.
* Fix order sync update issue
* Add error handling when calculating shipping costs.