Argus | Discord WordPress Plugin

Argus | Discord WordPress Plugin 6.0.11 Nulled

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no changelog for this version
Bug with replacing WordPress Avatars with Disocrd Avatars.
no changelog for this version
### Fixed
- Elementor connect profile button text shows incorrectly.
## [5.2.0] - 2022-07-28
### Fixed
- Elementor button widgets have no default styles.
- Username disappeared from the error messages.

## [5.2.0-beta.4]
### Fixed
- You can now see an error when a third-party plugin blocked the registration of the new user.

## [5.2.0-beta.3]
### Added
- **[Customer Request]** Option to assign a role to the user when Discord profile is attached.

### Fixed
- Elementor attach profile widget not properly detected when profile is attached.

## [5.2.0-beta.2]
### Added
- **[Customer Request]** Support for WooCommerce Members Only plugin.

## [5.2.0-beta.1]
### Added
- **[Customer Request]** Option to remove member from the guild if the Discord profile disconnected.

## [5.1.0] - 2022-05-10
### Added
- **[Customer Request]** Shortcode to output connected Discord profile id.
- **[Customer Request]** Shortcode to output connected Discord profile username.

### Fixed
- .git directory removed from the archive.
- Curls no longer verify the authenticity of the peer's certificate.

## [5.0.4] - 2022-04-28
### Fixed
- Users with special characters in the name were not able to register.

## [5.0.3] - 2022-04-04
### Fixed
- WP 5.9 welcome banner appears on authorization help note.
- Double announcements on post update.
- Icon for sharing Gutenberg block and Elementor widget.

- Bug with icons in WP 4.9.