Astra Premium Starter Templates - Ready to Import Starter Websites

Astra Premium Starter Templates - Ready to Import Starter Websites 4.2.6 Nulled

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- Improvement: Added Premium Templates for Block Editor.
Fix: Template is not importing using the WP-CLI command.
- Fix: Backup file not created for existing customizer settings.
- Fix: Icon for Starter Templates plugin isn’t appropriately distributed within the Elementor Editor.
Fix: Templates library won't refresh after the sync process.
Fix: Plugin installation from WordPress plugins dashboard fails when Starter Template is activated.
Improvement: Hardened the security.
- Improvement: Added extra checks while block templates import.
- Improvement: Added support for Astra theme menu position to top.
Improvement: Added extra checks while marking a Starter Template as favorite.
- Fix: Import error for Gutenberg templates with PHP 8.x.