CartFlows Pro

CartFlows Pro 2.0.6

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- Improvement: Modified the statement descriptor param as per the guidelines by stripe.
- Improvements: Improved the order bump code to make it compatible with out-of-stock products.
- Fix: The upsell/downsell product was getting added in the order even if the order is cancelled manually while using Mollie Gateway.
- Fix: Fixed the "Place Order" button would disappear when using the PayPal payments plugin.
- Fix: The your product section was showing line-through to the product price in some conditions.
- Fix: Fixed the issue of Subscriptions were charged immediately instead of after trials.
- Improvement: Modified the location of Change Template button for store checkout steps. It is now available in the individual step's setting panel.
- Fix: Fixed province field issue not showing selected value with certain countries for Google address autocomplete.
- Fix: The URL parameters was not getting updated if the same parameters are present in the URL.
- Fix: Google autocomplete address settings was not getting saved properly on multi-site setup.
- Fix: Default value for email field was not getting populated after logged-in from the Checkout page using the Modern Checkout Layout.
- Fix: Long label text was getting displayed for custom fields in the backend settings.
- Fix: Minor UI improvement in dynamic offers for dropdown select field display.
- Fix: Fixed the `null` parameter deprecation warning for strpos function.
- Fix: Resolved typography inconsistency between input's text and it's placeholder for checkout fields.
- Fix: The step setting's slide-out popup was getting closed when another popup OR alert window is opened.
- Fix: Fixed deprecated notices for elementor displayed on the offer steps for offer accept/reject buttons.
- Fix: Fixed the issue with the version 6.7.1 of WooCommerce Payments and improved the future compatibility.
- Fix: Fixed the analytics calculation issue when the A/B split test is enabled.
- New: Revamped the whole CartFlows user-interface to add a user-friendly touch.
- New: Introduced a do_action `cartflows_store_checkout_before_configure_cart` for store checkout.
- New: Added a way to carry forward the URL parameters to the next step.
- Fix: Fixed the flow import/export issue with multi-language in which special characters are used.
- Fix: Fixed Modern Cart Plugin compatibility for dynamic flow feature of CartFlows.
- Fix: Fixed the deprecation notices for the latest update of Elementor.
- Fix: Fixed the checkout field mobile responsive issue for two-step checkout layout.
- Improvement: The Redirect after thank you URL option, can be also used to redirect another domains.
- Fix: The email address was not getting stored in order when the order was placed from express checkout.
- Fix: The forward slash was getting added in the add to cart button string if apostrophe is added in the string.
Improvement: Additional checks added to validate data in flow & step operations.
- Fix: The Upsell/Downsell offer payments were getting failed for the official WooCommerce Stripe Payment Gateway.
- Fix: Product images were not getting displayed in your product section.
- Fix: Non-logged-in users were not able to continue to the next step of the multistep checkout.
- Fix: Upsell/Downsell offers were getting failed for WooCommerce Payments plugin.
- Fix: Main order status was getting stuck to pending payment for the Square payment gateway.
- New: Added the PayPal Payments For WooCommerce by Checkout Plugins support for the upsell and downsell.
- Improvement: Introduced a new filter called 'cartflows_display_offer_shipping_fee' that allows the user to control the visibility of offer steps shipping fee on the thank you page.
- Fix: Fixed an issue where the email field was not being properly inline-validated for the multi-step checkout layout.
- Fix: Fixed a problem where duplicate email fields were being displayed for the multi-step checkout in some cases.
- Fix: Resolved a conflict that occurred between the Place order button and the PayPal for WooCommerce payments plugin.
- Fix: Email field was not getting inline-validated properly for multi-step checkout layout.
- Fix: Showing duplicate email field for multi-step checkout in some cases.
- Fix: Place order button conflict with PayPal for WooCommerce by payments plugins.
- Fix: Some styling options for order bumps were not functioning properly when using the DIVI page builder.
- Fix: Upsell/Downsell page was not getting displayed in some cases, when the order is placed from A/B variation step.
- Fix: Upsell/Downsell payment getting failed for square payment gateway.
- New: Introduced quantity updater for order bump.
- Fix: Order bump was getting unchecked in certain conditions.
- Fix: Fixed the conflict with WooCommerce Conditional Shipping and Payments plugin.
- Fix: Fixed elementor deprecated action notices.
- Fix: Modified the order bump CSS to correct the word break in OB description.
- Fix: Shipping method was not getting updated in certain cases for MultiStep checkout layout.