Cassio - AJAX Portfolio WordPress Theme

Cassio - AJAX Portfolio WordPress Theme 3.2.9

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Author Mathias
Creation date
fixed: PHP warning when core plugin is not able to receive update data
no changelog for this version
no changelog for this version
fixed: warnings related to TGMPA class on PHP 8
fixed: CSS conflicts in AJAX transitions when "CSS Print Method" is set to "External File"
fixed: PHP warning if a slide doesn't have an assiged featured image in "Static" data source type
fixed: Query Monitor plugin threw PHP errors on Merlin wizard setup pages
added: AJAX compatibility for "Hide Title" option in Elementor document settings
improved: polyfilled get_page_by_title() function which is deprecated since WordPress 6.2
improved: updated bundled ACF Pro to the latest version 6.1.7
fixed: Swiper compatibility issues in Elementor 3.11.2
improved: compatibility with latest Elementor 3.11.x
fixed: removed links underlines in the newest Elementor version
added: experimental AJAX compatibility with WPForms plugin

improved: updated bundled ACF Pro to the latest version 6.0.5
fixed: when AJAX navigation is off and "Elementor Canvas" template used, the page theme header was still displayed while it shouldn't
added: new option "Show Only Once" for preloader appearance in Customizer -> Loading Screen panel
added: new option to disable split chars animation in the fullscreen overlay menu in Customizer -> Header -> Menu