Classima - Classified Ads WordPress Theme

Classima - Classified Ads WordPress Theme 2.5.4 Nulled

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Author anne
Creation date
Added: TikTok profile for topbar and about widget
Added: Promotion description in the order details email
Fixed: Post social share Twitter icon issue
Fixed: Listing showcase addon description limit issue
Fixed: Membership ad count issue
Fixed: Listing title escaping issue in email
Fixed: Listing contact form visibility issue for the owner
Updated: Classified Listing Pro & Store plugins
Fixed: Pay per ad pending listing publish issue
Fixed: Category disappear issue after promotion
Fixed: Pay per-ad membership promotion issue
Fixed: Custom checkbox fields issue
Fixed: Zero payment gateway selection issue
Fixed: Mark as sold change issue
Fixed: Stripe membership expired-renew issue
Fixed: Store category display issue
Fixed: Logo/banner update issue
Added: Option for store review process
Added: Badge for membership users
Added: Option to publish promotion listing automatically
Added: Ad type sortable
Added: Listing RSS feed
Added: Iyzipay payment compatibility
Added: Badge for store owner
Added: Store only for verified user [Seller Verification addon]
Fixed: WooCommerce payment issue
Fixed: Mark as sold banner issue
Fixed: Favourite listings pagination issue
Fixed: Payment pagination issue
Fixed: Pagination issue during filter
Fixed: Store RTL issue
Added: Form builder compatibility
Updated: Settings
Updated: User profile
Updated: Classified Listing Pro, Classified Listing Store & Review Schema Pro plugins
Fixed: My-listings pagination issue
Fixed: Gallery popup sequence issue
Fixed: Gallery image edit/delete issue on mobile
Fixed: Listings page password protected issue
Fixed: Price range search issue
Fixed: Dashboard listing count issue
Fixed: Payment history date issue
Fixed: Chat issue on multisite
Fixed: Stripe minimum amount payment issue
Fixed: Twitter icon issue as social profile
Fixed: Store hour day name display issue
Updated: My-listings design
Added: Telegram contact number
  • Like
Reactions: high5m
Fixed: Listing count issue
Fixed: Gutenberg category block empty hide issue
Fixed: Expires, Business hour text translate issue
Fixed: Listing search form slug translation issue
Fixed: Chat image exchange issue
Fixed: Chat image delete issue
Updated: Twitter icon
Added: TikTok social profile
Updated: Pro plugins
Fixed: My-account mobile menu issue
Fixed: Add to favorite text issue
Fixed: Store logo upload issue
Fixed: Location, Category combine URL pagination issue
Added: Link taxonomy link for category and location
Added: New Dashboard
Added: Combine URL for category and location
Updated: Classified Listing Pro & Store plugins