Custom Facebook Feed Pro Smashballoon

Custom Facebook Feed Pro Smashballoon 4.6.1 Nulled

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Download Custom Facebook Feed Pro Smash v4.3.2 Nulled Free
= v4.3.2 =
* Fix: Changed how the plugin's code was included to prevent conflicts with SMTP plugins that overwrite wp_mail().
Download Custom Facebook Feed Pro Smash v4.3.1 Nulled Free
= v4.3.1 =

* Fix: Fixed avatars from visitor accounts not showing in the lightbox.
* Fix: PHP error that would occur when trying to use the new Facebook Feed Divi block with the Divi Builder plugin and PHP version 7.3 or lower.
* Fix: Photo feeds would show broken images in the feed preview under certain circumstances.
* Fix: Fixed event feeds showing an error in the API response in certain circumstances.
* Fix: Tagged accounts in post content were not linking correctly.
Download Custom Facebook Feed Pro Smash v4.3.0 Nulled Free
= v4.3 =

* New: Elementor and Divi Builder widgets. We've added new Elementor and Divi Builder widgets to make it easier to embed your feeds.
* New: Iframes from YouTube and Vimeo will not load until the rest of the page content has loaded to improve page performance.
* Fix: Some post content that included special characters would display incorrectly.
* Fix: Comments for posts would appear correctly in the feed preview but not on the front-end for some feeds.
* Fix: When the text shortening setting was enabled, unexpected text would appear in some circumstances.
* Fix: For the carousel layout available with the carousel extension, the setting to automatically adjust the height of the feed would not work correctly when expanding post content on mobile devices.
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Reactions: combute and garrfik
Download Custom Facebook Feed Pro Smash v4.2.5 Nulled Free
= v4.2.5 =

* Fix: Fixed issues with hashtags and account mention links in the post text in some specific situations.
* Fix: Fixed PHP warnings when visiting the support page before creating a feed.
* Fix: Fixed an error in the plugin updater code which occurs in certain circumstances.