Discy - Social Questions and Answers WP Themes

Discy - Social Questions and Answers WP Themes 5.7.2 Nulled

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Author anne
Creation date
=== New Features and improved ===
- Added a new option in the landing page to show login form or register form by default.
- Added a new option if you choose the site for the logged users only to show login form or register form by default.
- Added a new option to hide all the header, so if you want to hide all of it to replace it with your custom here by Elemetor for example.
- FIXED: bug fixes.
=== New Features and improved ===
- Added a new option in the landing page to show login form or register form by default.
- Added a new option if you choose the site for the logged users only to show login form or register form by default.
- Added a new option to hide all the header, so if you want to hide all of it to replace it with your custom here by Elemetor for example.
- FIXED: bug fixes.
=== New Features and improved ===
- Added a new page to see your asked questions you asked for users.
- Added a new option to add your slug for the my asked questions page.
- Added a new option to choose how many replied you want to allow for the users if you choose for user to answer one time.
- Added a new option for the users template to choose which users you want to show with user ids.
- Added a new option to add your custom checkout, so you can send link for the user to pay for anything.
- Added a new option to use shortcode for payment to allow the users that paid can see custom content.
- Added a new option to add title for the pay button for this custom payment.
- Added a new option to choose while user paying to get a new role or allow for them to download file.
- Added a new option to choose while user paying to be a one payment or subscribe payment.
- Added a new option to choose while user paying to pay with points or pay with payment methods.
- Added a new option to add cancel subscription for the custom payments.
- Added a new option to make the subscription monthly, three months, six months, yearly, or lifetime payment.
- Added a new option to add the price and points for the payments.
- Added a new option to add the maximum length for the username.
- FIXED: bug fixes.
=== New Features and improved ===
- Added a new option to hide the footer from mobile.
- Added a new option to hide the sidebar from mobile.
- Added a new option to add imitation minimum characters and maximum for the post tags in the add post form.
- Added a new option to add imitation minimum tags and maximum tags for the post tags in the add post form.
- Added a new option to add imitation minimum characters and maximum for the post title in the add post form.
- Added a new option to add imitation minimum characters and maximum for the post content in the add post form.
- FIXED: bug fixes.
=== New Features and improved ===
- Made a new page option for styling only.
- Added new features to control on all the site pages search, checkout, subscriptions, buy points, add category, add question, edit question, add group, edit group, add post, edit post, edit comment, login, signup, and lost password to control the layout, color, background, …. and the other control.
- FIXED: bug fixes.
=== New Features and improved ===
- Added new options to permissions to allow you to choose custom permissions for the different roles.
- Added a new permission to allow the role to ask other users questions or not.
- Added a new option to add limit for sending email for forgot password per hour.
- Added a new option to activate the send email when some one mention user on the edit profile settings.
- Added new options for the email template of the mention to change it as you want.
- Changed the structure of the links of the edit profile and some pages, example: to make it yoursite/settings/edit and options to change the slugs of settings or edit.
- FIXED: bug fixes.
- Added a new option to add your Stripe webhook endpoint URL, obtained from your Stripe dashboard.
- Added new options to add your Stripe testing to test your payments.
- Added a new option to add the money equal to the number of points.
- Send a notification to the user when earning a new badge.
- FIXED: bug fixes.
=== New Features and improved ===
- Added new options to show the full permissions features on the subscriptions page and add custom items or text.
- FIXED: bug fixes.
- Added a new option allowing unlogged users to pay and register on the same step.
- Added a new option to show the upload image button on the WordPress editor for unlogged users.
- FIXED: bug fixes.
- Added a new option to show the search bar on the group pages to find the groups.
- Added a new option to choose a pagination style for the group posts.
- Added a new option to add a custom name for the emails.
- Added a new option to activate the login on the site or not.
- Added a new option to activate the register on the site or not.
- FIXED: bug fixes.