ECR - Easy Content Restriction Pro

ECR - Easy Content Restriction Pro

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+ Subscriber Interface: The plugin has been rewritten to utilise the subscriber interface, enhancing its integration and performance capabilities.
  • + Added Allowlist for GET parameters option for the Global Password Protection feature. With this option, you may bypass the global protection with a self-defined token or allow third-party services to execute commands even if the global protection is enabled. Input example: token=123!?S3Cr3T or option=com_remotemonkey,task=api.process,format=raw. Thanks to Christian G. for requesting this feature!
  • # Improved the way how the text object properties are processed and manipulated. Thanks to Schlossgarde for reporting the issue!
# Improved the way how the text object properties are processed and manipulated. Thanks to Schlossgarde for reporting the issue!
# Fixed "Read more" function handling in category view. Thanks to Mr. Fifteen for reporting this issue!
# Fixed a format issue in the option "Password expiration time". Thanks to n1mdas for reporting this issue!
  • + Added the Remember successful password inputs for pages option to save successfully entered passwords for Pages Protection to the session, so they don't have to be re-entered on each page load.
  • ^ Bypassed a deprecated call in the calendar field provided by the Joomla! core.
  • ^ Rewrote the usage of the session namespace to avoid the logging of a deprecated message.
  • # Fixed an issue with the multiple password feature where a message was incorrectly displayed stating that the password was entered incorrectly even though no password was entered at all.
  • + Added the Remember successful password inputs for pages option to save successfully entered passwords for Pages Protection to the session, so they don't have to be re-entered on each page load.
  • ^ Bypassed a deprecated call in the calendar field provided by the Joomla! core.
  • ^ Rewrote the usage of the session namespace to avoid the logging of a deprecated message.
  • # Fixed an issue with the multiple password feature where a message was incorrectly displayed stating that the password was entered incorrectly even though no password was entered at all.
  • + First Pro release for Joomla! 5.x based on ECR Pro version
  • + The plugin "Behaviour - Backward Compatibility" is not required. The extension only uses supported classes in Joomla! 5.
  • + Added Remember Confirmations option. Confirmations are stored in the user's session, and the confirmation does not have to be consented again as long as the session is active. Thanks to Ufuk A. for requesting this feature!
  • + Improved Installation Script. Updated the installation script to check for the highest compatible version of Joomla automatically! This feature aims to prevent issues that may arise from using incompatible core versions, thereby ensuring a smoother installation process.
26 April 2023
Protects content with a special syntax from specified user groups or with a password.
Type: Content Plugin
Joomla! Version: >= 4.2.0
This is a system plugin for Joomla! >= 4.2.0 and PHP >= 8.0.0.

Version - 2023-04-26
  • + Added Password expiration time option for Password Protection Rules. The password expiration time option is a helpful feature for keeping your content secure. However, if you prefer not to use this feature, leave the field blank, and the password will not expire. Thanks to Svetoslav Slavkov for requesting this feature!