Instive - Insurance WordPress Theme

Instive - Insurance WordPress Theme 1.2.3

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Author matthew
Creation date
* Fix: Demo Issue Fixed.
* Fix: Demo CSS Issue Fixed.
* New: Added License Module
* New: Add Booking Appointment Home for Timetics
* Update: Update Essential Plugin
Fix: Elementor Deprecated Issue Fixed.
* New: Employee Health Insurance Niche Added
* New: Employee Health Insurance Plan Widget Added
Download Instive v1.2.0 - Insurance WordPress Theme Nulled Free
v1.2.0 (16 APRIL, 2022)

* New: Codestar Framework Support Added
* New: One-Click Demo Import Option Added
# Update: Update Instive Essential Version 1.9
* Fix: Elementor Deprecated Function Removed
* Fix: instive_return Function issue fixed

!!!! Notice !!!!
Presently, we discontinued the compatibility of the Unyson Framework. However, we are providing a new framework called Codestar Framework. If you want to update the theme, then please backup your site before updating version 1.2.0 After updating the theme, if you face any difficulties then restore your site backup or contact our support team at
Here is details doc of theme update of Codestar Migration: