JetAppointments - Appointment Plugin for Elementor

JetAppointments - Appointment Plugin for Elementor 2.1.0

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Author Joshua
Creation date
* ADD: Allow to set booked slot capacity when Capacity option is enabled;
* ADD: Allow to set custom templates for Confirmation/Cancellation result page;
* UPD: Allow to set 0 price for service/provider.
* FIX: Better server-side check for appointment time availability;
* FIX: Attach Add Slot event to slots wrapper context to avoid unexpected behaviour;
* FIX: Calendar arrows direction in RTL;
* FIX: Show loader while getting new providers;
* FIX: Form error when using time range with only start time;
* FIX: Prevent PHP errors in some cases;
* FIX: Click on capacity doesn't select slot.
* UPD: Better security check on save appointments settings, setup and meta;
* FIX: Working days schedule processing;
* FIX: PHP errors in some cases;
* FIX: Prevent from booking 2 services slots for the same provider on same time when multi booking is enbaled;
* FIX: Display multiple appointments on the same day in JetEngine calendar;
* FIX: Additional server-side check on appointment slot availability before creating new appointmet.
* FIX: PHP error on macros handle after JetEngine update.
* ADD: Allow to group appoinments by days in the appointments list in admin area;
* FIX: Correctly process capacity setting when adding an appointment from the admin area;
* FIX: 'Add to Google calendar' link in WooCommerce order details;
* FIX: Date format option for macros in workflows;
* FIX: PHP error in custom provider template when there is no Elementor at website.
* UPD: Translation files;
* FIX: Limited range from current date option behavior;
* FIX: Correctly handle time limits on mobile timepicker;
* FIX: Avoid errors in appointments dashboard in some cases;
* FIX: Slot do not became available after cancelling appointment.
* UPD: Allow to set user_name column value from front-end form;
* FIX: Avoid incorrect date calculations for some timezones;
* FIX: Duplicating form field for date selection in the JetPopup;
* FIX: Available slot calculation when system time not matching webiste timezone;
* FIX: Appointments table creation for some cases.
Download JetAppointments v2.0.0 - Appointment Plugin for Elementor Nulled Free
* ADD: Workflows functionality;
* ADD: Zoom integration;
* ADD: Timezones picker for the front-end appointments calendar UI;
* ADD: Public actions functionality (confirm and cancel appoinments by URL);
* ADD: Allow to override day schedule with Working Days settings;
* UPD: Admin UI improvements;
* FIX: SQL errors on MySQL 8.0 or higher;
* FIX: Allow to set 0 into service price.