JetFormBuilder - Dynamic WordPress Form Builder

JetFormBuilder - Dynamic WordPress Form Builder 3.3.2

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Author Zechariah
Creation date
- FIX: Use macros in Send Email when verifying a submission or processing a gateway.
- FIX: Apply advanced validation for optional field
- Tweak: Support for old namespaces for Radio, Select, Checkbox classes
- ADD: Implementing rich content using the "jet-form-builder/rich-content" filter. It supports shortcodes, macros with
field names (usually used in action settings) and dynamic preset (JSON-style)
- ADD: Many block attributes support rich content now. And also some settings in actions and notifications about
the result of the form execution.
- UPD: Improve internal API for field (Select, Radio, Checkbox) options.
Added `jet-form-builder/option-query/set-in-block` hook.
- FIX: aria-required attribute in Advanced Choices Field
- FIX: Accessibility Improvements for several fields
- FIX: Default validation with the Repeater Field
- FIX: "Labels" font styles replace "Heading" font styles in JetFormBuilder widget (Bricks)
- FIX: Switcher style is broken in JetFormBuilder widget (Bricks)
- FIX: Select field on mobile, select arrow is on the wrong side RTL
- ADD: Switcher Field
- ADD: Welcome block with form patterns
- ADD: Generate forms with Open AI
- ADD: Improved preset sanitize. Option for disable sanitize
- ADD: Possibility to verify manually the form by admin
- ADD: "Greater than or equal" and "Less than or equal" operators were added to the Conditional Block
- UPD: Improved Server-Side validation
- FIX: Compatibility with JetBooking on the frontend
- UPD: Improve JetForm block in Block Editor with style controls for the most fields
- UPD: Improve compatibility with the Check-In/Check-Out field (JetBooking)
- FIX: Style controls of the JetForm widget in Elementor editor
- FIX: Scroll to the top on page change ignores form pages progress
- FIX: Custom template is not attached to the checkbox (or radio) field if there is "Generate dynamically" -> "Get values list from JetEngine Query" source
- FIX: Convert each Woocommerce product into a simple product
- ADD: Style-controls & options for the WYSIWYG field
- UPD: UI/UX bulk options
- FIX: Style controls for the Checkbox field in JetForm widget (Elementor)
- FIX: Date fields not exported from form records to csv
- FIX: Columns are not displayed correctly with elementor containers
no change log for this version
* FIX: Error in form fields in editor after release of WP 6.4. Inability to edit them
* FIX: Prevent saving too long status in `*_jet_fb_records` table
* FIX: Remove useless control in Elementor widget - JetForm
* FIX: Save form progress (addon) not working for repeater fields
- ADD: Support multiple emails in Reply-To (Send Email)
- ADD: Added "Post Type" to Hidden Field Sources
- FIX: Active Campaign. Cannot add a contact with an existing tag if there are many
- FIX: Encoding Error in Color Picker Field
- FIX: Changed the user_agent column type from varchar (255) to text in the table `jet_fb_records`
- FIX: Media field is empty in form records export file
- FIX: Visually confusing the "Generate dynamically" -> "Value from meta" options setting
- FIX: Advanced Choices Field Block styled text can't be clicked
- FIX: Compatibility with JetFormBuilder PayPal Subscriptions
- FIX: REST-API security. Now only administrators can view one or more forms using standard WP REST routes
– FIX: Minor vulnerability in Update User action
– FIX: Invalid deletion of first element of repeater field
– FIX: Form doesn’t go to top of each step in some cases
– FIX: Ignore the value 0 in the Select/Radio/Checkbox Fields
– FIX: Minor compatibility with language plugins
* UPD: Now only administrators can edit/create/delete forms.
* UPD: Starting frontend validation when losing focus on radio and checkbox fields
* FIX: Multiple browser history changes
* FIX: Critical error when open General Messages tab in form editor
* FIX: An error occurred while importing the form
* FIX: Compatibility with Appointment Provider field with custom listing template