JetProductGallery - Elementor Represent Product Images in Form of Convenient Gallery

JetProductGallery - Elementor Represent Product Images in Form of Convenient Gallery 2.1.15

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Author matthew
Creation date
* Updated: JetDashboard 2.1.7;
* Tweak: Gallery sources compatible with ACF Gallery field;
* Fixed: Gallery Slider widget with Elementor nested elements ([#7257](;
* Fixed: Errors in variable products with empty variation images;
* Fixed: Gallery Slider widget fraction and progress pagination display.
Fixed: Security issue.
* Added: Gallery blocks description;
* Fixed: Gallery Slider widget variation switch with no video on first place;
* Fixed: Elementor Page Transition lightbox issue;
* Fixed: Gallery Slider widget pagination thumbnail vertical view with loop option;
* Fixed: PHP 8.2 deprecation errors.
* Added: Elementor 3.10 compatibility with custom size unit;
* Fixed: Gallery Slider widget image cropping;
* Updated: New JS init for Gutenberg views;
* Updated: JetDashboard 2.0.10;
* Fixed: Thumbnails pagination display in some cases;
* Fixed: Additions minor issues.
* Updated: Widgets and blocks rendering;
* Updated: Vertical slider functionality;
* Updated: Widgets and blocks controls;
* Updated: Script optimization;
* Updated: Self-hosted video autoplay option;
* Updated: Galleries templates;
* Fixed: Thumbnails pagination duplication with loop option and slides count less than slides per view;
* Fixed: Slider equal height;
* Fixed: Some styles for video;
* Fixed: Gallery Slider widget thumbnails desktop visible items count.
## [2.1.7](
* Added: `jet-gallery/render/variation-images` hook for custom product variation data;
* Added: `jet-gallery/render/image-attr` hook for custom images attributes;
* Updates: Method for getting images HTML;
* Updates: Dynamic bullets functionality;
* Tweak: Gallery Slider widget script;
* Fixed: Centered mod space between slides.
Download JetProductGallery v2.1.6 - Elementor Represent Product Images in Form of Convenient Gallery Nulled Free
* Fixed: Variation script only for galleries with proper data attribute;
* Fixed: Compatibility with Elementor 3.7.
## [2.1.5](
* Fixed: Handling Elementor breakpoints for Swiper slider;
* Fixed: Minor controls issues.