Mailster - Email Newsletter Plugin for WordPress

Mailster - Email Newsletter Plugin for WordPress 4.0.9 Nulled

No permission to download
- fixed: deprecated method
- fixed: issue when replacing links introduced in 3.3.9
- fixed: BF sales dates
- fixed warning on PHP 8.2 if subscriber count is 0
- fixed: issue with the admin bar
- fixes: smaller issue
- PHP 8.2 compatilablity 🎉
- updated: WP Coding Standards 3.0
- updated: Freemius SDK to 2.6.0
- fixed: inline style attribute got removed in some edge cases
- improved: placeholder image tags algorithmus
- fixes: smaller issue
- improved: honeypot mechanism to prevent false positives on heavy cached sites.
- improved: wording on support
- updated: Freemius SDK to 2.5.12
fixed: lists are not confirmed if user choice is enabled.
- fixed: MySQL error on Autoresponder which uses "has received but not opened" or "has received and not clicked" condition.
- fixed: RTL CSS issue on Autoresponder options sidebar
- fixed: RTL CSS issue in admin bar and settings
- added: 'mailster_admin_header' hook
- added: missing added argument
- added: if verification of subscribers fails the WP_Error object contains now the initial data
- improved: better handling of suppression of WPDB in lists class
- improved: check for missing functions in conditions
- fixed: conditions script must require mailster-script
- update: enabled beacon on the upgrade page
- fixed: check for existence of block editor in admin header
- fixed: default option on custom fields were not displayed correctly
- fixed: id was not set for custom fields on first save
- improved: lists assignments for new subscribers
- improved: refractor of lists class
- improved: the way tags are saved and loaded
- returned ids of subscriber queries are now integers
- fixed: Division by zero on campaign edit screen
- fixed: Header already sent error on account page
- fixed: dashboard redirects to a blank page if in activation mode
- fixed: deprecated notices in PHP 8.2
- fixed: missing index in placeholder.class.php
- improved: check if `set_time_limit` is disabled
  • updated: Freemius SDK to 2.5.5
  • fixed: Undefined variable $output_time in queue.class.php
  • fixed: CSS issue on Precheck
  • improved: connect screen for Envato licenses