MultiSaas - Multi-Tenancy Multipurpose Website Builder (Saas)

Tested MultiSaas - Multi-Tenancy Multipurpose Website Builder (Saas) 2.2.3

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[added] Knowledge Base Category not displayed issue fixed , new Seeder created and added on GeneralSettingController update database
[added] izyco payment gateway displayed on payment dropdown and code optimize on tenant user-home,
[added] Code optimize on Tenant userDashoardController.

[fixed] Plugin not exists but module feature displayed on price plan issue fixed,
[fixed] Hotel booking status not updated order_id required issue fixed (HotelBooking),
[fixed] Booking create failed from admin issue fixed (HotelBooking),
[fixed] Booking order not updated issue fixed and order page redirected after login (HotelBooking),
[fixed] Coupon discount amount not display issue fixed,
[fixed] Package date format improvise,
[fixed] Unavailable theme will not visible on assign subscription theme dropdown,
[fixed] Tenant create on assign subscription issue fixed,
[fixed] User profile media uploader not working issue fixed,
[fixed] Date format issue fixed on tenant order success blade
[added] SiteAnalytics premium plugin support added,
[added] Knowledgebase Category Role Permission Added,
[fixed] Coupon Amount not displayed issue fixed on Shop Checkout page,
[fixed] unAvailable theme hidden from assign subscription themes dropdown,
[fixed] Package date format not same issue fixed on order Success page.
[fixed]Disabled hotel booking feature in price plan when if any client not purchasing hotel booking module,
[fixed] HotelBookingRolePermissionSeed not found when Plugin is not exist issue fixed,
[fixed] Media upload on user profile issue fixed.
[fixed]Service Title and Testimonial designation not update issue fixed,
[fixed] Restaurant and Hotel Module demo data seeder issue fixed,
[fixed] Plugin Not exists Issue fixed for HotelBooking and Restaurant plugin,
[fixed] Old jquery library removed from Restaurant Plugin,
[fixed] Static title string Translation fixed,
[fixed] ThemeMetaData issue fixed,
[fixed] ChildCategory not display issue fixed,
[fixed] Assign subscription to user issue fixed.

[fixed] Menu Item maximum purchase issue fixed,
[fixed] Demo assets file added for new tenant create,
[fixed] Demo Data Seeding issue fixed,
[fixed] Code optimised and Unused code removed.
[fixed] Old Libraries removed.
[added] Static strings translated.
[added] Restaurant Premium Plugin Support Added.
[added] IYZICO payment gateway plugin support added,
[added] Tenant mail not sending issue solved,
[fixed] Theme name undefined console issue fixed,
[fixed] Unnecessary instruction title removed from tenant smpt setting blade
[fixed] Product Sidebar Category filter deleted product displayed in category product count issue fixed (E-commerce Module),
[fixed] Product bulk all product selected checkbox not working after filter [fixed] document load issue fixed (E-commerce Module),
[fixed] Package order getStartDate and ExpireDate issue fixed on invoice and [fixed] paymentHistory (E-commerce Module),
[fixed] Product attribute not clone issue fixed (E-commerce Module)
[fixed] E-commerce social icon not showing on topber issue fixed (E-commerce Module),
[fixed] Product campaign not showing actual product issue fixed (E-commerce Module),
[fixed] Booking create tax not working issue from admin , issue fixed (Hotel Booking Module),
[fixed] Hotel plugin permission issue fixed for booking create from admin [fixed] panel (HotelBooking Module),
[fixed] Hotel Module permission issues fixed (HotelBooking Module)
[fixed] Hotel Module Sidebar not displayed issue fixed (HotelBooking Module),
[fixed] Tenant donation activities permission issue fixed (Donation Module),
[fixed] Event ticket unused description column removed (Event Module).
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Reactions: explosivetech404
[fixed] Service parameter missing issue fixed
[fixed] Product color variant issue fixed on eCommerce module
[fixed] Language data save issue solved
[fixed] eCommerce module navbar language tab design issue fixed
[fixed] Demo data widget setting for tenant serialised issue fixed
[fixed] Free plan auto website create admin approval option issue solved
[fixed] Color settings theme donation renamed and variable missing issue fixed on price plan theme markup
[fixed] Method name repeating issue fixed on tenantDemoDataSeeder trait
[fixed] Job Category demo data update with new language issue fixed
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Reactions: explosivetech404
[added] some media file added in mediaSeed
[fixed] Newspaper header left sidebar collapse button not worked issue [fixed] general basic setting minor modified
[fixed] Minor changes on TenantDemoDataSeederMethod
[fixed] static font removed
[fixed] breadcrumb issue fixed
[fixed] Tenant-demo-data.json file missing issue fixed.
[fixed] WidgetFooter demo data serialised issue fixed.
[fixed] General/Color Settings issues fixed.
[fixed] General/Application Settings after app_name change site down issue [fixed] Landlord er General Settings/Basic Settings site down issue fixed.
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Reactions: explosivetech404
[added] hotel module and theme support added
[added] added option to upload theme from admin panel

[fixed] minor bug fixed related to tenant website create
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Reactions: explosivetech404
[added] Hotel Booking Module (Plugin + Theme [premium])
[added] blog reply features added
[added] new settings added in general settings
[added] application settings added in admin panel
[added] webp support added
[added] Contact form without map addon added and working on blog comment reply
[added] Header mask Image and hand image show/hide option added for donation

[fixed] subscription renew Issue fixed
[fixed] product name type change column modified
[fixed] image gallery tab issue fixed
[fixed] Donation single page design issue fixed
[fixed] shop filter and attraction design issue fixed
[fixed] eCommerce Modules issues fixed
[fixed] theme visibility issue fixed
[fixed] widget builder error fixed
[fixed] Event payment log dataTable issue fixed
[fixed] Worked on Service category filter issue
[fixed] related products price mismatch issue fixed
[fixed] Category product filter issue fixed
[fixed] default SMTP option added for tenant
[fixed] manual payment gateway issue solved
[fixed] Product variant Price not change, select all attribute issue fixed
[fixed]product details page product variant issue
[fixed] blog summerNote old value note formatting issue fixed
[fixed] Expired date null issue fixed on Quick Tenant create
[fixed] multilang added on footer widget and some more modificaton
[fixed] Worked on wedget Area
[fixed] blog data is not saving issue solved
[fixed] fixed new language not adding 500error issue
[fixed] email template issue solved
[fixed] ecommerce addon padding not working from page builder
[fixed] Menu target action issue fixed on MenuBuilderFrontendRender
[fixed] Product title and subtitle visible issue solved on shop page
[fixed] shop page image size issue fixed
[fixed] buy now button ,server error issue fixed
[fixed] language controller validation issue solved
[fixed] product image slider showing gallery image even if there are not image issue solved
[fixed] product title, description not showing issue resolved
[fixed] custom domain invalid domain, validation issue fixed
[fixed] user dashboard coupon 500 error fixed
[fixed] barber shop responsive navbar issue resolved
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Reactions: explosivetech404
[fixed] jobs queue table not migrating issue resolved
[fixed] eCommerce theme website create issue solved
[fixed] Trial tenant create Expire date limit added
[fixed] pages and blog url generate
[fixed] blog title not updating in frontend page
[fixed] AccountRemove and Expire mail queue added and cleanup command and queue
[fixed] google authenticator, qr code not showing issue solved
[fixed] tenant create trial and paid issue solved
[fixed] social login issue in tenant website solved
[fixed] donation module language transition issue and title , donation activity
[fixed] added filter in theme change, if it is custom theme then thown an error solved
[fixed] fixed highlight code in page builder addon
[fixed] order manage all update status modified
[fixed] register page translation issue fixed
[fixed] Translation issue solved on pricePlan and worked on theme color setting
[fixed] fixed all reported bugs

[improvement] Admin module replaced to Staff and In Active replaced to Inactive

[added] ContactFormWithoutMap Addon added
[added] Preloder enabled for all theme
[added] Zip Code added on Checkout and desc order added on website issue list
[added] added new page for check website health
[added] kinetic added for all module
[added] added option to set individual smtp for tenant themself
[added] make default language setting feature added
[added] social share options added on blog
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Reactions: explosivetech404
[fixed] fixed SEO related issue for static page of landlord and tenant
[fixed] appointment admin panel view button.
[fixed] button showing login, if url not found button will not show
[fixed] 404 page issue
[fixed] payment gateway seeding issue fixed
[fixed] appointment module payment page flash msg show option added
[fixed] barber shop js issue fixed
[fixed] data seeder widget data error issue solved
[fixed] 404 page custom css support added
[fixed] blog route with www not working issue solved
[fixed] tenant theme setting update
[fixed] IsManualPamyment trait created and manual_payment issue modified
[fixed] admin landlord newsletter page error fixed
[fixed] Manual_payment issue fixed and invoice button visibility condition added
[fixed] widget seeder unserialise data issue solved
[fixed] donation home page header demo data edit issue solved
[fixed]version update added in seeder file
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Reactions: explosivetech404