[Nulumia] Modern Gamer XF2 (10 Presets)

[Nulumia] Modern Gamer XF2 (10 Presets)

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Author anne51
Creation date
This update brings compatibility with the latest Xenforo 2.2.8 and moves all Nulumia themes to use the One-Click Archive import format. From now on, you can download style packages as a single zip file and import directly in your Xenforo backend. This means you will no longer have to manually upload files via FTP, nor import XML files separately!

** Import change using One-Click Archive imports **

Importing styles as zip archives changes the file structure and file location of your styles in Xenforo. This means custom files, such as images and logos, which were placed in the formal styles folder may need to be migrated once you begin using the archive format.
Fixed review stars on Resource Manager lists
  • Removed the "block" element around custom content in HTML widgets. This was originally meant to help contain content from breaking out of the sidebar, but may also cause layout issues in other content areas. It's recommended to wrap your custom content in a <div class="block"></div> element when using Advanced mode HTML widgets in the sidebar.
  • Fixed issues with aside and floating captions in the slider
  • Fixed an issue preventing hover and alternating rows in structured lists, such as on Resource Manager index or categories
Framework changes
Theme-specific changes
  • None

Release notes​

To update your theme, please download the latest version at:

Upgrading from last previous version
  • XML import and file upload
Changes made to child-style XMLs
  • Yes. if you are running a multi-color configuration (blue, green, yellow etc), you must import the XMLs from the /child-style/ folder over each variation. If you are only using a single color, you may ignore this notice.
  • Modern Gamer uses the Green Classic style as the master version. This should always be used at the top level theme, with other colors imported below it.

This update brings compatibility with the latest Xenforo 2.2.7 Patch Level 1. Further, the theme file structure in all themes has changed. It is important you must upload all files in your download package and overwrite if prompted.

Notice on One-Click Archive imports

This will be the final version before all Nulumia themes move to support importing via one-click archives. As such, you must still manually install/upgrade this theme by unzipping & uploading files, then importing the XML over your existing theme.

In the next version, you will have the option of downloading the archive format, or full file package which will include optional files, such as PSDs, readme.txt, etc.