Powerful Website Builder for Lagom WHMCS Theme

Nulled Powerful Website Builder for Lagom WHMCS Theme 1.0.2 Nulled

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EW Reverse Billing Cycle Order - New setting for the "Products" section that allows reversing the billing cycle display order - Case #677.
NEW Language Strings - New feature that allows you to easily update text across multiple buttons or links on your site by utilizing language strings from the language file - Case #417.
NEW Section Cache - New feature that allows you to disable the caching of sections generated by the product for development purposes - Case #716.
NEW "Featured" product label is now available for pages generated by the product - Case #684.
NEW Sections that contain domain search field, no longer requires TLD to be entered - Case #750.
NEW Introducing new illustrations for Cloud Servers product background - Case #697.
NEW Introducing new illustrations for Game Servers product background - Case #510.
NEW Introducing new illustrations for Dedicated Servers product background - Case #698.
NEW Introducing new illustrations for Shared Hosting product background - Case #696.
NEW Introducing new illustrations for Reseller Hosting product background - Case #704.
NEW Introducing new illustrations for WordPress Hosting product background - Case #740.
NEW Introducing new illustrations for VPS Hosting product background - Case #741.
Improvements Removed the outdated function causing the "lagompage.tpl" file to be deleted when the product is deactivated - Case #682.
Improvements Added alternative texts to images for improved accessibility and SEO - Case #587.
FIX Improved currency formatting in the TLD table. The number format is now based on the customer's preferred currency settings in WHMCS "System Settings -> Currencies" - Case #728.
FIX Fixed an issue where using symbols in the "Group Title" field prevented tabs from switching. Fixed for the following sections - "FAQ", "Features", "Products", "Products Groups", and "Stats" - Case #692.
FIX Resolved display issues of "Client Details" being added as a child element in the Website Secondary Menu - Case #685.
FIX Fixed the "Custom URL" function in the "Call To Action" section to respect the language change - Case #719.
FIX Fixed an issue where the "Body Class" function was not being correctly inserted into the code of the currently managed page - Case #701.
FIX Resolved an issue with URL generation when a "Product Group" is selected in the "Linked Page" dropdown within the "Product Group" management modal in the "Product Group" section type - Case #680.
FIX Fixed an issue with saving the "Custom Description" field in the product package management modal within the "Product" section type - Case #681.
FIX Fixed the duplicated URL generation when product was installed in WHMCS subfolder. This positively influence the website's SEO - Case #721.