Really Simple SSL Pro - WordPress SSL Certificate

Really Simple SSL Pro - WordPress SSL Certificate 8.0.1 Nulled

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no change log for this version
* Improvement: text changes
* Improvement: css on login error message
* Improvement: header detection improved by always checking the last url in the redirect chain
* New: Added option to limit login cookie expiration time
* Fix: custom 404 pages i.c.w. custom login url
* Fix: IP detection header order
* Fix: table creation on activation of LLA module
No changelog available
no change log for this version
no change log for this version
* New: Password Protection
* New: Limit Login attempts
* Improvement: allow 2FA login by clicking the button in the email
* Improvement: move mailer include for performance
* Improvement: initialize users on 2fa
* Fix: check variable $rule if it is an array, for php 8 compatibility
* Fix: including required additional files
* New: two step login authentication with email
* Improvement: don't add rules to advanced-headers.php when empty
* Improvement: prevent duplicate headers in advanced-headers.php
* Improvement: Frame Ancestors default set to self
* Improvement: check if the Elementor function replace_urls function exists for compatibility with older versions
* Fix: wp-engine compatibility with database prefix change
* Improvement: allow 'HEAD' in http method restrictions
* Improvement: add notice about W3TC compatiblity