SEOPress Pro

SEOPress Pro 7.7 Nulled

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* NEW Add GPT-4-Turbo model to our OpenAI integration (PRO)
* NEW Import post title / term name using our CSV import tool (PRO)
* NEW Automatically add XML sitemap link to default WordPress robots.txt file (if robots.txt feature from SEOPress PRO is disabled)
* INFO Refactoring code of our content analysis
* INFO Add error handling for AI to better understand failed generation (SEO, PRO, AI tab, OpenAI logs section)
* INFO Improve security by showing SEO metadata from published posts only for our REST API (thanks to Patchstack)
* INFO Improve WPML compatibility with our content analysis to detect target keywords already used by language
* FIX Improve detection of custom meta title / description with our content analysis
* FIX 410/451 on new redirects (PRO)
* FIX Show only public post types for the HTML sitemap block
* FIX Prevent failed post update/publishing if IndexNow API key is incorrectly set (SEO, Instant Indexing, Settings tab)
* FIX Prevent a fatal error in specific cases with the Matomo CRON task (PRO)
* FIX chart.bundle.js error on SEO Dashboard page if the define SCRIPT_DEBUG is set to TRUE
* FIX Deprecated Increment on non-alphanumeric string
* NEW Import redirections from AIOSEO (PRO)
* NEW Remove Emoji scripts for older browsers to improve crawling (SEO, Advanced, Advanced tab)
* NEW Add technical requirements to the wizard
* NEW Google Analytics consent mode v2 for our cookie banner (beta)
* INFO Bump WordPress version to 6.5
* INFO Improve UI for textarea using code
* INFO Improve UI in XML sitemaps and Titles and metas global settings
* INFO Add a new notification for WPML users to translate SEOPress global settings
* INFO Strengthening security
* INFO Improve compatibility with specific locales
* INFO Improve compatibility with Polylang (thanks to @sebastienserre from PLL team)
* INFO We no longer "Remove View details modal & update notification links" (White Label feature - PRO) for super admin and/or user roles with "update_plugins" capability
* FIX Improve compatibility with HappyFiles plugin
* FIX 'seopress_social_twitter_card_thumb' and 'seopress_social_og_thumb' filters for our REST API
* FIX Deprecated: Automatic conversion of false to array
* FIX "Object object" error for new post in SEO metabox
* FIX PHP "Count" error with content analysis
* FIX Warnings with REST API
* FIX Keywords in permalink / Target keywords already use in Content Analysis
* NEW SEOPress REST API with context 🎉
* NEW Custom table for our content analysis feature 🎉
* NEW Course schema updated with new properties (PRO)
* NEW Quickly block search results crawling with robots.txt file (PRO)
* NEW Add VAT ID and Telephone fields to the installation wizard
* INFO Rename Twitter to X
* INFO Increase the default min height of our Universal SEO Metabox
* INFO Disable search results indexing on first time configuration to prevent SPAM referer
* FIX Migration tools from other SEO plugins in specific cases
* FIX PHP Warning $seopress_redirections_enabled_regex
* FIX Ecwid fatal errors
* FIX Error when deleting content analysis scans
* FIX Incorrect counters for meta description in SEO metabox
* FIX Bricks compatibility issue on homepage with our universal SEO metabox
* FIX A non-breaking space with the directive on RSS feeds (robots.txt tab)
* FIX "seopress_ai_openai_alt_text" filter for AI/Alt text
* FIX Deprecated mb_convert_encoding function with PHP >= 8.2
* FIX A notification related to Google Search Console verification meta tag
* FIX Invalid datetime value for "uploadDate" + timezone for Video schema
FIX Automatic Product schema error if WooCommerce is not installed (PRO)
* NEW Add Shipping properties to Product schema (automatically added to your existing products schemas)
* NEW Add 'Description', 'Email' and 'VAT ID' properties to Organization schema (SEO, Social Networks, Knowledge Graph to configure)
* NEW Bulk action to generate alt text from media filename
* NEW Export your 404 errors list to a CSV file (SEO, Tools, Redirections tab)
* NEW 'seopress_export_404_query' hook to filter the 404 errors export query (
* INFO XML sitemaps no longer display terms without associated content
* INFO Prevent browser to autocomplete some inputs
* INFO We no longer ping Google for XML sitemaps as the service is deprecated since several months now
* FIX PHP Warnings
* FIX Backwards compatibility issue with WP < 5.9
* FIX Fatal error on How-to schema in specific cases
* FIX GA4 widget values
* FIX Incorrect content analysis from universal SEO metabox in specific cases
* FIX Deleting data from OG/Tw image fields for terms
* NEW Add pre-published checks to the Block Editor
* NEW Disable hierarchical display for posts and products in HTML sitemap (SEO, XML - HTML Sitemap, HTML Sitemap tab)
* NEW 'seopress_ai_openai_request_args_alt' hook to filter the arguments sent to OpenAI for alt texts (
* NEW 'seopress_pro_breadcrumbs_json' hook to filter the JSON Breadcrumbs (
* INFO Remove very old deprecated functions
* INFO Strengthening of security
* INFO Refactoring some code
* INFO Exclude specific custom post types generated by page builders for the redirect suggestions feature (Elementor, Beaver Builder, Brizy, Zion Builder, Breakdance, Oxygen...)
* FIX Fatal error in XML sitemaps if no timezone associated to post
* FIX Oxygen compatibility: PHP Warning: Undefined variable $oxygen_metabox_enabled
* FIX 403 error with Inspect URL with Google Search Console in specific cases
* FIX PHP 8.3 compatibility: Fatal error: Duplicate declaration of static variable
* FIX Compatibility issue with Themify builder
* FIX Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: property_exists() on $tax
* FIX Internal linking suggestions
* FIX Google Preview regression
* FIX Compatibility issue with Polylang and XML sitemaps
* FIX Target keywords with dashes
* NEW True revolution: GPT-4 Vision to generate automatically alternative texts for images (PRO) 🎉
* NEW Generate alternative texts for image files with AI in WP CLI (PRO - 🎉
* NEW Bulk edit alternative texts with AI from the media library (PRO) 🎉
* NEW 'seopress_sitemaps_html_post_title' hook to filter post title in HTML sitemap (
* NEW 'seopress_stop_counter_redirects' and 'seopress_stop_last_date_request_redirects' hooks to stop saving hits and last date request for each redirection (
* NEW 'seopress_product_price_amount' to filter product:price:amount (
* NEW 'seopress_product_price_currency' to filter product:price:currency (
* NEW 'seopress_video_regeneration_total_count_posts', 'seopress_video_regeneration_increment' and 'seopress_video_regeneration_query' to filter the video xml sitemaps regeneration tool (
* INFO Add new parameters to 'seopress_bot_query' filter (
* INFO UX: If a CPT or taxonomy is hidden from the SEO, Titles and metas settings, we no longer display notifications about empty global title and meta description
* INFO Better oembed sharing for homepage on LinkedIn by using the Site title from SEO, Titles and metas, Home tab if empty
* INFO Remove Test your redirection button if regular expression is enabled to avoid confusion
* FIX Clear Facebook cache URL with Universal SEO metabox
* FIX Compatibility issue with Polylang for XML sitemaps and WordPress installations in a subdirectory
* FIX Fatal error on PRO activation if Free is not installed
* FIX PHP Warnings 8.2 on tax->name
* FIX mainEntityOfPage schema (missing trailing slash on ID property)
* FIX An issue with video xml sitemap

full change log link
* FIX Compatibility issue with Bricks Builder for automatic schemas
* FIX Compatibility issue with Weglot and redirections
* FIX Google and social previews for term taxonomy
* FIX Social account URLs for non-Latin alphabets
* FIX i18n
* NEW OpenAI #8 iteration: generation of alternative texts for images (beta) 🎉
* NEW OpenAI #8 iteration: add GPT-4 model (required at least 1 successful payment of $1 via the OpenAI platform) 🎉
* NEW OpenAI #8 iteration: pass target keywords if available to the prompts 🎉
* NEW Block Google Bard AI Bot from robots.txt file in 1 click (PRO)
* NEW Display the number of inbound / outbound links from post types list (SEO, Advanced, Appearance)
* NEW 'seopress_ai_openai_alt_text' to filter the prompt sent to OpenAI to generate alt text for images (
* INFO Wizard installation enhanced
* INFO %%page%% dynamic variable no longer outputs something on first paginated archive page
* INFO Remove deprecated Google Analytics options: remarketing, cross domains, link attribution etc. from the settings
* INFO Improve UX when adding OpenAI key and checking the key without saving changes
* INFO 'seopress_auto_image_title' improved with a new parameter: $post_ID of the attachment
* INFO Stop saving unnecessary information to the database when using the Broken Link Checker
* INFO Remove Word Counters and Keyword Density analysis, this has no impact on SEO
* INFO Refactoring content analysis code
* FIX Invalid argument supplied for foreach() wp-seopress-pro/inc/admin/blocks/insights.php:181
* FIX CSS in Broken Link Checker screen
* FIX 'seopress_sitemaps_max_posts_per_sitemap' hook (thanks to @zauddelig)
* FIX Fatal error with Broken Link Checker in specific cases
* FIX PHP Deprecated: Implicit conversion from float
* FIX PHP Warning: Undefined variable $bot_status_type
* FIX Last update column in XML sub-sitemaps on very specific cases