Uncanny Automator Pro WordPress Plugin

Uncanny Automator Pro WordPress Plugin 5.7 Nulled

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Author hargrave
Creation date
New Integrations:

(Google) Sheets Web App #2592
Schedule #2264

New Triggers:

Sheets Web App - Receive data from Google Sheets Web App #2593
LifterLMS - A user enrolls in a membership #2466
LifterLMS - A user triggers an engagement #2467
Schedule - Repeat every hour, day, week, month or year at a specific time #2791
Schedule - Repeat every weekday at a specific time #2789
Schedule - Run on a specific date and a specific time #2790

New Action:

Woo Subscriptions - Remove a subscription product from the user's subscription #2729

New Conditions:

Automator Core - A user has a recipe in a status #2628
LifterLMS - The user does not have a membership #2707
LifterLMS - The user has a membership #2706
LifterLMS - The user is enrolled in a course #2704
LifterLMS - The user is not enrolled in a course #2705

New Features:

Magic Button - Gutenberg Blocks for Magic Button and Magic Link recipes #2722
Magic Button - Support for AJAX button and link #2719


AffiliateWP - Create an affiliate - Added a User Email field #2761
BuddyBoss - Add a post to the sitewide activity stream - Add "Generate a preview image from the first URL included in the message" option #2715
BuddyBoss - Add a post to the user's activity stream - Add "Generate a preview image from the first URL included in the message" option #2714
LearnDash - Send a certificate - CSS field for styling #2772
Woo Memberships - Membership post ID and plan post ID #2723


Advanced Custom Fields - Added WP Filter automator_acf_post_type_posts_per_page to modify the dropdown count #2796
EDD - Cancel the user's subscription matching a subscription ID - Added filter automator_pro_edd_cancel_subscription_by_id_can_cancel #2727
LearnDash - Send an email to the Group Leader actions - Email will be sent to each "To" recipient individually #2703
MemberPress - A coupon code is redeemed - do_action switched to make it run more reliably 62193 #2732
Woo - Add a product to an order - Add Price and Quantity fields #2710


BuddyBoss - Send an email to all members of a group - Email content not converting new lines into #2755
Woo Subscriptions - Set the user's subscription of a subscription product to a status - Added pending-cancel option #2770
WordPress - A term archive is viewed - Polluting error logs #2713
WordPress - Update the content of a post - Changing the post type #2764

Under the hood:

Automator's internal post types available for post type selection #2717
Deprecate WP Bitly Integration #2730
Shorten Woo Plugin Names #2776
New Trigger:

Easy Digital Downloads - A file is downloaded #2486

New Actions:

BuddyBoss - Unsubscribe the user from a forum #2514
BuddyPress - Unsubscribe the user from a forum #2515
Easy Digital Downloads - Delete a customer by ID #2065
LearnDash - Extend the user's access to a course by a number of days #2529
Woo Subscriptions - Extend the user’s next subscription renewal date to a specific product by a number of days #2528
Woo - Add a note to an order #2561

New Trigger Tokens:

Woo - Order item(s) total #2550
Woo - User's total spend & User's total spend (unformatted) #2549
WordPress - Post content (formatted) #2605

New Action Tokens:

WordPress - Add an image to the media library - Media Library ID and Media Library image URL #2599


LearnDash - Reset the user's progress in a course - "Reset Simple Course Timer data" checkbox when Uncanny Toolkit Pro is active #2576
Woo - Generate and email a coupon code - Added generated coupon property for Recipe logs #2546


Easy Digital Downloads - "Product" text changed to "Download" for consistency #2608
OpenAI - Use a prompt to generate text with the Davinci model - Action deprecated, existing recipes switched to davinci-002 model #2589
Paid Membership Pro - Filters missing hidden levels #2586
WordPress - "Post content" token renamed to "Post content (raw)" #2606


Amelia - A user's booking of an appointment for a service has been changed to a specific status - Set the context of the trigger to the current user #2554
Background actions - Condition group incorrectly show as skipped in the Recipe logs #2588
BuddyBoss - Set the user's Xprofile data - Handle multiple options #2574
JetFormsBuilder - Tokens are now being rendered inside the User Loop #2587
Loop filters - A post is a specific type of post - Now only displays public post types #2583
Paid Membership Pro - An admin assigns a membership level to a user - Set member as the current user for recipe logs #2566
WordPress - A user updates a post - No longer fires on publish and on trash events #2543
WordPress - A user updates a post in a specific status - Validation to check if array key exists #2564

Under the hood:

Data management - Auto prune cron now includes settings for hours and minutes #2562
Loop Filters - Make Loop Filters a post type as private #2580
Magic button/link - WP Filters and actions - automator_pro_magic_link_tokens, automator_pro_magic_buttons_tokens, automator_pro_magic_link_triggered, automator_pro_magic_button_triggered #2539
  • Like
Reactions: Marckello
OpenAI - Changed deprecated models to use gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct #2569
New Actions:

WooCommerce Bookings - Create a booking #2397
WooCommerce Bookings - Change a booking to a specific status #2360

New Conditions:

EDD Software Licensing - A user has/does not have an active license for a download #2487
Easy Digital Downloads - A user has/has not downloaded a file #2485

New Loop Filters:

BuddyBoss - A user does not have a value in an Xprofile field #2496
BuddyBoss - A user has a value in an Xprofile field #2497
BuddyPress - A user does not have a value in an Xprofile field #2495
BuddyPress - A user has a value in an Xprofile field #2491

New Tokens:

MemberPress - Quiz triggers - Course ID #2503
Woo #2516
Order fee
Order fee (unformatted)
Shipping fee
Shipping fee (unformatted)
Stripe fee
Stripe fee (unformatted)
Stripe payout
Stripe payout (unformatted)


Formatter - Output the year in date formatter #2535
LearnDash - Send a certificate - Checkbox to "CC the user's Group Leaders" #2527


Data management - Auto-prune recipe logs - Added a dropdown to select time frame #2538
WooCommerce - User purchased conditions - Add "Any product" #2500


MemberPress - A coupon code is redeemed - Expects a user ID check #2483
WooCommerce - A user's order status changes to a specific status - Handle "Any" status #2522

BuddyBoss - Add a post to the activity stream of a group - Support added for wp_embed/video preview #2501


Gravity Forms - A user submits a form with a specific value in a specific field - PHP Error when entry is not found #2508
WishList Member - Remove the user from a membership level - Replace deprecated methods #2498

Under the hood:

License page - Added WP nonce validation when clearing license #2492
License page - Added admin check on activation/deactivation and change license key actions #2493
Replaced $_GET and $_POST to use filter_input to avoid vulnerability #2494
New Feature:

Loops - Post Loops #2453

New Integration:

WooCommerce Bookings #2391

New Triggers:

WooCommerce Bookings - A booking is updated #2357
WooCommerce Bookings - A booking status is changed to a specific status #2358

New Loop Filters: Post Loop

A post is a specific type of post #2459
A post has/does not have a specific meta key #2459
A type of post has/does not have a term in a taxonomy #2460
A post's field meets a condition #2458
A post's meta value meets a condition #2457

User Loop

The user has/has not completed a course #2422
The user has/has not completed all courses in a group #2423
The user is/is not enrolled in a specific course #2420
The user is/is not enrolled in a specific group #2421
WooCommerce - The user has/has not purchased a specific product #2418
WooCommerce Subscriptions - The user has/does not have an active subscription of a product #2419

New Token:

Studio Cart - Payment option label #2455


BuddyBoss - Add a post to the activity stream of Group - Add an option to preview link. #2450
User Loops - User specific tokens in new "Loop" token category #2475


BuddyBoss - Posting to groups only works for admins #2461
MemberPress - The user meta fields coming form MemberPress are not returning the correct information when using the "User meta" token #2474
The Event Calendar - PHP Error when parsing tokens #2464
WP Fusion - Remove a tag from the user - Tag Names showing as [object] [Object] #2468
WordPress - A taxonomy term is added to a specific type of post - Not listing the custom taxonomies when a custom post is selected #2449
WordPress - A user updates a post - Firing when a post is auto saved #2470

Under the hood:

Loop filters - Added dependency method in parent class to allow filters to conditionally load the filter #2440
New Integrations:
Bitly #2275
Easy Digital Downloads - Recurring Payments #2304
Run now #2263

New Feature:
Run now - Trigger recipe manually #2354

New Triggers:
AffiliateWP - A WooCommerce product is purchased using an affiliate referral #2303
EDD Recurring Payments - A user cancels a subscription to a download #2155
EDD Recurring Payments - A user's subscription to a download expires #2154
Gravity Forms - A user registers with a form #2321
LearnDash - An assignment is graded #2132
LearnDash - An essay question is graded #2133
WooCommerce - A product in a specific term in a specific taxonomy has its associated order set to a specific status #2256

New Actions:
Bitly - Shorten a URL #2276
EDD Recurring Payments - Delete a customer that matches an email #2064
EDD Recurring Payments - Set a subscription download to expire on a specific date for the user #2153
WooCommerce - Add a product to an order #1962

New Conditions:
EDD Recurring Payments - The user does not have an active subscription to a specific download #2156
EDD Recurring Payments - The user has an active subscription to a specific download #2157

New Tokens:
WooCommerce - Order item(s) tax, Order item(s) quantity #2344
WooCommerce - Country and State full name tokens #2289
WordPress - A specific meta key of a specific type of post updates to a specific value - Post status #2328

BuddyBoss/BuddyPress - Add a post to the activity stream of a group - do_action bp_groups_posted_update #2313

AffiliateWP - "An affiliate refers a sale of a WooCommerce product " renamed to "A user purchases a WooCommerce product using an affiliate referral" #2302
Gravity Forms - A user submits a form with a specific value in a specific field - Added WordPress filter automator_pro_gf_user_submits_matching_value_cron to optionally fire it via cron #2326
MemberPress - Add the user to a membership - Add support for welcome emails #2352
User Loop Filters - Additional matching criteria added #2334
WooCommerce - Product total renamed to Order item(s) subtotal #2343
WordPress - Set post meta - Remove "Any post" option #2330

ARMembers - Add the user to a membership plan - Plan not getting assigned to the user #2324
Action tokens - Not working in actions that are inside a loop #2338
AffiliateWP - A user purchases a WooCommerce product using an affiliate referral - not working as expected #2286
Typeform - Header signature is now properly validated #2317
Users Loop filters - A user meta value meets a condition - Contains and Does not contains not working as expected #2346
WooCommerce - A product has its associated order completed, paid for, thank you page visited - Retuning the information for all the products in the order #2333
WordPress - A user's role changed from a specific role to a specific role not triggering consistently #2308
WordPress - Set post meta - Removing shortcodes - Added WordPress filter automator_skip_do_shortcode_parse_in_fields to optionally skip field sanitization #2315

Under the hood:
Auto purge logs - Add additional filters #2350
Database Tools - Show/Repair Pro tables #2284
Duplicate recipe - Now copies Conditions and Loops properly #2366
User Loops - Affecting normal recipe status #2319
User Loops - Loop's recipe flow disregards asynced actions status #2361
Plugin updater library updated to the latest version #2368
New Feature:

User Loops 🔄 #2268

New Triggers:

Charitable - A recurring donation to a campaign is cancelled #2005
Charitable - A recurring donation to a campaign is made #2108
MemberPress - A sub-account is removed from a parent account #1423

New Actions:

AffiliateWP - Link a customer to an affiliate for lifetime commissions #1929
Charitable - Add an entry in a donation log #2010
Formatter - Extract the first word from a string #2274
LearnDash - Reset the user's progress for all courses associated with a group #1983
WordPress - Fetch an existing user #2035

New Condition:

WordPress - The user's email address matches a specific domain #2279


BuddyBoss - A user updates their profile with a specific value in a specific field - PHP notices when array is passed #2249
Email - Send an email - Email body is now fetched at runtime instead of when scheduled #2245
LearnDash - Send an email to the user's group leader(s) - Email body is now fetched at runtime instead of when scheduled #2265
LearnDash - Send an email to Group Leaders of a group - Added checkbox to exclude child groups #2141
Mailpoet - Remove a subscriber from a list - Now available for both Logged-in and Everyone recipes #2231


ARMember - Pro version throwing a PHP Error #2225
Automator - Condition - The user has completed a recipe - Removed redundant queries #2271
BuddyBoss - A user updates their profile with a specific value in a specific field - Now runs when Automator updates the user profile using the "Set the user's Xprofile data" action #2212
Formatter - Convert date into format - Now works for non-English language sites #2235
MyCred - A user earns a rank - Now fires more reliably when multiple live recipes are using the trigger #2196
WooCommerce Subscription - Sites on WordPress.com now list subscriptions products reliably #2222
WooCommerce Subscription - Condition - The user has an active subscription to Any Subscription Product - Now works as expected #2248
WordPress - Remove a role from the user's roles - Now removes the role successfully in a wider range of situations #2217
WordPress - Create a user - The meta fields saved more reliably #2229

Under the hood:

Renamed deprecated arg get_trigger_id to trigger_log_id #2272
Action Scheduler bumped to 3.5.4
Improved PHP 8.2 compatibility
  • RafflePress - RafflePress Pro support added #2211
  • BuddyPress - A user requests access to a private group - Call to undefined function bbp_get_user_profile_url #2220
  • Automator license - License activation not working reliably in a certain situation #2214
  • BuddyBoss/BuddyPress – Xprofile – Database prefix issue on multisites #2011
  • Automator - Call a custom function/method - Argument passes empty value if the argument contains special characters #2001
  • WordPress - A user's specific meta key is updated to a specific value - PHP 8 Error when the meta_value is not a string #2017