Webnus Modern Events Calendar Pro

Webnus Modern Events Calendar Pro 7.10.0 Nulled

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- Added: Ability to insert ticket prices tax included
- Added: Booking fixed fields to the attendee export in frontend
- Improved: Backend event management
- Improved: Event Schema
- Improved: Downloadable file module
- Fixed: Issue in displaying date and times in booking module
- Fixed: Conflict with Elementor plugin
- Fixed: Issue in search module and refine feature
- Fixed: Issue in import bookings by CSV feature
- Fixed: Issue in booking cancelation link
- Fixed: Some security issues
- Fixed: Issue in integration with WooCommerce third party payment gateways
- Fixed: Capability issue in Frontend Event Management
- Fixed: Issue in displaying location phone
- Fixed: Issue in attendee price placeholder
- Fixed: Issue in edit booking menu regarding displaying dates
- Fixed: Some issues in weather module
- Fixed: Issue with booking for ongoing events
- Fixed: Issue with RSS feed
- Fixed: Issue in displaying the event content in pop up mode
- Fixed: Issue in stop selling tickets feature of booking module
- Added: Sidebar feature for the archive and category pages
- Added: Ability to request billing address in Stripe gateway
- Added: Placeholders for ticket variations
- Improved: The functionality and integration of event start / end date pickers
- Fixed: Some issues in PHP 8.2
- Fixed: Issue in removing attendees in edit booking
- Fixed: Issue regarding a dependency in MEC
- Fixed: Issue in locking pre-filled fields in booking module
- Fixed: Accessibility issues in slider buttons
- Fixed: Issue in displaying location icon twice in event banner
- Fixed: Issue in global tickets option
- Fixed: Some minor issues
- Added: Notice for lite users to update to the newest version
- Added: Some new filters for better integration with third party developers
- Improved: Structured data for speakers
- Fixed: Paragraph issue in event custom data
- Fixed: Issue in gallery module of frontend submission
- Fixed: Conflict in elementor
- Fixed: Issue regarding uploaded files when using WooCommerce payment
- Fixed: Issue in WordPress quick edit
- Fixed: Issue in displaying location phone in modals
- Fixed: Issue in certificate notifications
- Fixed: Issue in event import from a third party plugin
- Fixed: Download invoice in single booking page
- Fixed: Addons page
- Added: Option to filter events by excluding tags in shortcode builder
- Added: Option to filter events by excluding labels in shortcode builder
- Added: Option to filter events by excluding authors in shortcode builder
- Added: Three new options as start date of tile skin
- Added: Option to enable / disable ability to add new sponsors in Frontend Event Submission
- Added: Option to apply discount codes on fees in addition to ticket prices
- Improved: Upload media structure by improving the accessibility and security of files uploaded via booking module
- Improved: Edit link in Frontend Event Submission feature
- Fixed: Decimal amount issue in PayPal gateway
- Fixed: Some issues in search widget
- Fixed: Issue in sending user credentials when auto registration is enabled
- Fixed: Issue in booking form regarding mandatory username and password fields
- Fixed: Issue in Lock Pre-filled Fields feature
- Fixed: Issue in Novel style of grid skin
- Fixed: Some issues in booking form
- Fixed: Issue in loading style of monthly skin
- Fixed: Issue about detecting total days of last month
- Fixed: Issue in displaying custom fields in shortcakes
- Added: Phone option to the locations
- Added: Option to display all upcoming occurrences of event in booking module despite of referred date
- Added: Ticket variation shortcode
- Added: Ability to define new sponsors in FES
- Redeveloped: Meetup importer
- Improved: Events management in FES
- Improved: The link target option in FES
- Fixed: Issue in next event module
- Fixed: Calculation issue in Use WooCommerce as Payment System feature
- Fixed: Some issues in exporting bookings
- Fixed: Display cancelation reason issue in agenda skin
- Fixed: Issue in displaying Subscribe To Calendar feature when ical feed is disabled
- Fixed: Register button for modal booking
- Added: Hourly schedule shortcode
- Added: Availability dates for tickets
- Added: Global option for using featured images as banner images
- Improved: The private_description placeholder of tickets
- Improved: How Activate First Upcoming Date with Event option works in monthly skins
- Improved: The structured data
- Improved: The select2 field
- Fixed: Issue in PayPal gateway
- Fixed: Issue in creating daily events with very high length
- Fixed: Issue in “Thank you page” option of FES
- Fixed: Issue in displaying event excerpt
- Fixed: Issue in displaying hourly schedules for occurrences
- Fixed: Some PHP issues
- Fixed: Some issues in exporting bookings
- Fixed: Some issues in display of icons
- Fixed: Issue in deleting icons using icon picker
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Reactions: orleff
- Added: Option to disable the end time display globally
- Added: Ability to sort the speakers
- Added: Option to add global exceptional days
- Added: Ability to change position of hourly schedule plan with drag and drop
- Added: Ability to browse next / previous dates in the booking form in admin
- Improved: related events module
- Improved: compatibility with GDPR plugins
- Improved: Frontend Event Submission feature by auto recognizing the organizer based on current user
- Improved: Ical feed
- Fixed: Issue in bookings with 100% discount coupons
- Added: Advanced icon picker for changing the default icons of single events and shortcodes.
- Added: Global default tickets feature.
- Added: Option to omit end dates in the booking module when the start and end dates are equal.
- Added: Time to the booking date column in the backend booking manager.
- Improved: Time picker format.
- Improved: The booking CSV importer.
- Improved: The avatar display.
- Improved: Day highlight in the monthly skin.
- Updated: Sample CSV file.
- Fixed: Issue in the notifications form.
- Fixed: A couple of SQL issues.
- Fixed: Compatibility issue between Frontend Submission and multilingual plugins.
- Fixed: Some issues when the event banner is enabled.
- Fixed: Some issues with event colors.
- Fixed: Some issues with filtering the events.