WooCommerce Measurement Price Calculator

WooCommerce Measurement Price Calculator 3.23.2

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* Fix - Resolve an issue with variable products and decimal comma separator where the incorrect default empty values would be saved for variations
* Fix - Ensure that pricing calculator products are considered in stock when they have a stock quantity greater than 0 but lower than 1
* Fix - Do not allow user-defined negative input values when accepting free-form customer input
* Tweak - Ignore the thousands separator when displaying a large value in the area or volume fields
* Fix - When saving area or volume, make sure decimal values are properly formatted before saving to the database to avoid floating point issues
* Fix - Ensure that the pricing table shortcode will not output data for a product that is unpublished or is private
* Misc - Add admin notices to help merchants reverting to the cart or checkout shortcodes if the corresponding blocks are used instead
* Fix - Resolve a compatibility issue with some third party plugins causing fatal errors when saving product data
* Fix - Resolve issues with calculations for perimeter and surface area measurements
* Misc - Add compatibility for WooCommerce High Performance Order Storage (HPOS)
* Fix - Compatibility with WC 6.6+ comma decimal separator handling
* Misc - Require PHP 7.4 and WordPress 5.6