WooCommerce Multi Locations Inventory Management

WooCommerce Multi Locations Inventory Management 4.0.20 Nulled

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Fix :- Detect location on page load + group location > remove the extra test LIFE from the group dropdown
Fix :- the nearest location is not setting automatically in select location and group location dropdown.
Fix :- HPOS compatible issue with WCMLIM plugin.
Fix:-default location is not autoselected if display list view is setting is on for variable product
Fix:-Limit 1 location per order >The "Clear Cart" message appears even when "Manage Stock" is disabled for a specific product.
Fix: POS NINJA Compatibility
[Add] Warning while enabling location cron
[Add] Location popup Block in (Gutenberg) Block Editor
[Add] Location Switch Block in (Gutenberg) Block Editor
[Add] Location Finder Block in (Gutenberg) Block Editor
[Add] Location info Block in (Gutenberg) Block Editor
[Fix] Location fee is not accepted in the decimal.
Fix: Fix Issue on Hide out of stock
[Add] "enable all / disable all" feature in column settings of Product central
[Fix] Limit one location per order issue for a variable product.