Alita - Web Studio Joomla 3 Template

Alita - Web Studio Joomla 3 Template V1.0.2

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yuan First Sergeant
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Nov 14, 2020
yuan submitted a new resource:

Alita - Web Studio Joomla 3 Template - responsive and easy-to-use Business Joomla Template best suited for contemporary web design studio

Alita is stylish, responsive and easy-to-use Business Joomla Template best suited for contemporary web design studio and creative agency, web designer’s portfolio, and advertising firm, digital & graphic design, website building.

Highlight Features​

  • Responsive Design
  • Compatible with Joomla 3.9.x
  • Bootstrap 4.5 Compatible
  • Powerful Astroid Framework latest version 2.5.x made by...

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