Cryptocurrency WordPress Plugin for WooCommerce

Cryptocurrency WordPress Plugin for WooCommerce V3.14.5

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hellobut First Sergeant
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Aug 6, 2020
hellobut submitted a new resource:

Cryptocurrency WordPress Plugin for WooCommerce - allows you to sell Ether, Bitcoin or any ERC20 or NFT (ERC721) token for fiat money like USD

Cryptocurrency Product for WooCommerce is the only one WooCommerce plugin that allows you to sell Ether, Bitcoin or any ERC20 or NFT (ERC721) token for fiat money like USD, EUR, ... or any cryptocurrency like Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin or any other WooCommerce supports. You can sell your Ether or any ERC20 or NFT (ERC721) token for USD, EUR, or even Ether or another ERC20 token by using the [Ether and ERC20 tokens WooCommerce Payment...

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this plugin haven't free version
you are wrong ,this plugin have free version ,but this have ERC20 support .it is pro version.
and main.php write :
Plugin Name: Cryptocurrency Product for WooCommerce Professional
Plugin URI:
Description: Cryptocurrency Product for WooCommerce enables customers to buy Ether or any ERC20 or ERC223 token on your WooCommerce store for fiat, bitcoin or any other currency supported by WooCommerce.
Version: 3.14.5
WC requires at least: 5.5.0
WC tested up to: 6.1.0
Author: ethereumicoio
Author URI:
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:
Text Domain: cryptocurrency-product-for-woocommerce
Domain Path: /languages
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