DigiMuse - Music Streaming Platform

DigiMuse - Music Streaming Platform 1.122 Nulled

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work Master Sergeant
Bronze Member
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Oct 14, 2021
thanks to dear member @work submitted a new resource:

DigiMuse - Music Streaming Platform - DigiMuse was made with passion and hope to be the best music related php script.

View attachment 49969
DigiMuse was made with passion and hope to be the best music related php script. If you want to build a website to share, upload, sell, suggest or find music DigiMuse can help you. It can be turned into a music streaming/sharing website like Spotify or Soundcloud or it can be an online music store like iTunes or a mixture of everything you like


  • Page Builder: You can build customized pages using one or all...

Read more about this resource...
Tested and Nulled
enter any code to continue

1. import test5 sql to your database
2. change app/config.php information with yours
3.backend information:
admin / admin123
config.php demo:

define( "debug", false );
define( "debug_for_ip", false );
define( "debug_for_admin", false );

define( "web_addr", "https://www.test.com/" );
define( "purchase_code", "nullpro" );
define( "client_code", "nullpro" );
define( "sign_code", "67e542de1682a967cc37468f5b674bf3" );
define( "session_check_ratio", 25 );

define( "db_host", "localhost" );
define( "db_user", "test6" );
define( "db_pass", "test6" );
define( "db_name", "test6" );
define( "db_char", "UTF8" );

define( "firewall", false );
define( "firewall_anti_session_hijacking", false );
define( "firewall_anti_session_hijacking_max_sessions_per_ip_per_day", 10 );


how to get sign_code ?
save code to run

$domain = str_replace( "www.", "", parse_url('Your web_addr in here', PHP_URL_HOST ) );
    $sing= md5(crc32( $domain .'nullpro' ));
    echo $sing;
  • test5_20230508_171552.zip
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