Formidable Forms Pro

Formidable Forms Pro 6.10 Nulled

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Jul 6, 2020
thanks to dear member @hargrave updated Formidable Forms Pro with a new update entry:


Download Formidable Forms Pro v5.2.04 - WordPress Forms Plugin & Online Application Builder Nulled Free
= v5.2.04 =

* New: Defined field option data will no longer be sent to Akismet, to help improve accuracy with Akismet API.
* Fix: Updated Elementor widget so it no longer uses the deprecated _register_controls method.

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thanks to dear member @joselyn updated Formidable Forms Pro with a new update entry:


Download Formidable Forms Pro v5.2.05 - WordPress Forms Plugin & Online Application Builder Nulled Free
= v5.2.05 =

* New: Added a new frm_focus_first_error filter to toggle of the behavior of the auto-focus that gets triggered on the first field with an error.
* New: Added a new frm_include_alert_role_on_field_errors filter to toggle the alert role that gets added to field errors.

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thanks to dear member @Mathias updated Formidable Forms Pro with a new update entry:


Download Formidable Forms Pro v5.4 - WordPress Forms Plugin & Online Application Builder Nulled Free
= v5.4 =

* New: Added a new frm_new_form_values filter for customizing the default values of new forms.
* New: Added a new frm_ajax_loaded_field event for listening for loaded fields loaded via AJAX on long forms in the form builder.
* Fix: Custom aria-describedby attribute values were not properly merging with the aria-describedby values added by field descriptions and errors.
* Fix...

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thanks to dear member @Mathias updated Formidable Forms Pro with a new update entry:

v5.4.1 Nulled

Download Formidable Forms Pro v5.4.1 - WordPress Forms Plugin & Online Application Builder Nulled Free
= v5.4.1 =
New: Temporary uploaded files will now be deleted with a cron job when crons are enabled.
New: Added a new Autocomplete setting to Text fields for defining the autocomplete attribute value in HTML.
Fix: Expired licenses were appearing as "Premium" in the license settings section with an option to upgrade to Elite and will now properly show the license type before it was expired...

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thanks to dear member @netman updated Formidable Forms Pro with a new update entry:

V5.5 Nulled

  • New: Paragraph fields now support a new Limit Length setting for limiting a Paragraph field to a maximum number of words or characters.
  • New: Date pickers initialized from a Formidable date field will now use a prefixed class to avoid styling conflicts with other date pickers. Styling for month and year dropdowns has been modified to improve compatibility with the Astra theme on WooCommerce pages.
  • New: Added a new...

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thanks to dear member @netman updated Formidable Forms Pro with a new update entry:


Download Formidable Forms Pro v5.5.1 - WordPress Forms Plugin & Online Application Builder Nulled Free
Formidable Forms v5.5.1

New: Added a new Rootline / Progress Bar position setting to Pagination settings.
New: Labels that fall outside of x_min, x_max, y_min, and y_max range values will no longer be included in graphs.
Fix: The value of a disabled time dropdown will be cleared after the date is changed. Previously the value would still appear selected but...

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thanks to dear member @pansy updated Formidable Forms Pro with a new update entry:

5 November 2022

  • New: Formidable-styled submit buttons will now appear at half opacity with a disallowed cursor pointer when disabled.
  • New: Draft pages can now be selected when adding existing items to an application.
  • New: Password field strength will now validate in JavaScript when the setting is enabled.
  • New: Added a new "page" option to form shortcodes. For example, [formidable id=454 page=2] will begin on the 2nd page of a form, and [formidable id=pages page=start-page] will begin...

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thanks to dear member @Jacqueline updated Formidable Forms Pro with a new update entry:

3 December 2022

New: Rich text fields can now be set to read only.
New: Rootline pagination will now be kept to a single row. Mobile widths without enough space to fit every page will hide extra page numbers in a dropdown toggled by a new rootline item with an ellipsis.
New: Currency format settings for Slider fields will now also be applied to the min/max labels that get appended when a Before/After Input option is set.
Fix: HTML in options for radio buttons and checkboxes using the Images display format...

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thanks to dear member @Jacqueline updated Formidable Forms Pro with a new update entry:

5 December 2022

Fix: Prevent a JavaScript error that triggers after adding a new repeater row when the repeater form does not include a slider field.
Fix: Prevent a JavaScript error when clicking on SVG elements.
Fix: Only the first slider field in a repeater row would format as currency on load.
Fix: The rootline dropdown would always appear for styles that have the "Override theme styling" setting enabled.

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thanks to dear member @hargrave updated Formidable Forms Pro with a new update entry:

DECEMBER 15, 2022

  • Security: Additional validation has been added when viewing an Application template to make sure that the endpoint cannot be manipulated and used for unsafe requests.
  • Fix: Updated a misspelled "horizonally" option.
  • Fix: An application would not render its items in the table when one of the items included a form shortcode targeting a form that does not exist.
  • The start over button longer is no longer on by default for new forms.

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thanks to dear member @netman updated Formidable Forms Pro with a new update entry:

01/ 12, 2023

  • Security: Added validation to URLS when importing a form XML to guarantee the file is coming from a trusted source with the proper expected format.
  • New: A new frm_section_is_open filter has been added. This can be used to conditionally load collapsible sections as open.
  • New: Added a redirect after duplicating an entry so that refreshing the page load the new duplicated entry instead of duplicating an additional entry.
  • New: Spaces are now supported as custom thousand...

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thanks to dear member @Zechariah updated Formidable Forms Pro with a new update entry:

FEBRUARY 14, 2023

  • New: Style templates can now be previewed, installed, and activated from the new style list view of the visual styler.
  • New: The background image opacity style setting now supports float values from 0 to 1, not just percents.
  • New: Application item options will now sort in a more natural order where 2 appears before 19.
  • New: Added required changes for in-place edit to work with new on submit form actions.
  • New: Rootline pagination has been updated to look nicer on mobile...

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thanks to dear member @netman updated Formidable Forms Pro with a new update entry:

MARCH 15, 2023

  • New: Time fields will now also include a screen reader label for Hours/Minutes dropdowns to improve accessibility.
  • New: A pop up will now appear after entering an invalid value for a time field.
  • New: Formidable files including .docx, .xlsx, and .pdf files will now use Formidable icons more consistently instead of the default WordPress document icons.
  • Fix: A .xlsx file would fail to validate on upload when downloaded from Google sheets as it had an unexpected mime type...

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thanks to dear member @theresa updated Formidable Forms Pro with a new update entry:

APRIL 6, 2023

  • New: The reports page now includes date filtering options.
  • Fix: When using some shortcode options, including sanitize_url=0 or truncate=0, the option would be treated the same as 1. 0 values will now be treated as off.
  • Fix: A form would submit with errors if it included a conditionally hidden total field, bypassing other validation include spam checks.
  • Fix: Formidable PDF icons would be used in place of PDF preview images when viewing entries. When preview images are...

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thanks to dear member @netman updated Formidable Forms Pro with a new update entry:

MAY 3, 2023

  • New: A new database index has been added to item entries to significantly improve the performance of lookup field queries that watch other fields.
  • New: Extra whitespace in address dropdowns has been removed to reduce the amount of HTML required when loading a dropdown with a lot of country options.
  • Fix: Autocomplete dropdowns would appear shorter than other fields in a form with text getting cut off.
  • Fix: The error message when uploading a file that exceeds server size...

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thanks to dear member @netman updated Formidable Forms Pro with a new update entry:

MAY 30, 2023

  • New: Password fields now include the option to make passwords visible with the click of an icon.
  • New: Product dropdown field options now use less whitespace, reducing the amount of required HTML downloaded to load the form.
  • New: Additional missing for attributes have been added to admin pages to improve accessibility.
  • New: Support for a new remove_accents option has been added for field shortcodes.
  • Fix: A warning pop up would appear for invalid time field ranges during...

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