Unlimited Elements for Elementor Page Builder

Unlimited Elements for Elementor Page Builder 1.5.109 Nulled

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thanks to dear member @chavez updated Unlimited Elements for Elementor Page Builder with a new update entry:


-bug fix: changed name for area-label to aria-label
-bug fix: in filters - refresh single filter if "all" selected and there are hidden items
-bug fix: changed protection against inifnite loop to 200
-bug fix: show child filters at start if there are selected items
-bug fix: date time attribute processor - if no date given - don't take current time
-bug fix: refresh child filter if main filter selected on init
-bug fix: dynamic popup was not worked with multisource in some cases

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thanks to dear member @netman updated Unlimited Elements for Elementor Page Builder with a new update entry:


-bug fix: fixed dynamic template with avoid duplicates
-change: turned off the video icon for background attribute
-bug fix: fixed gallery widget acf video item error
-feature: added option for group filtering widgets
-feature: solved the video play in gallery type from attachment video
-bug fix: fixed some sort filter bugs with the default selected

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thanks to dear member @hargrave updated Unlimited Elements for Elementor Page Builder with a new update entry:


-bug fix: added support for webp in the manager
-feature: added twig function csv to json
-change: changed the admin view to new design (added designed header and menu)
-feature: added option to enable animation on swipe to owl carousel js
-feature: added woo mini cart functionality
-feature: added option: "current query as a base" to post selection -> include by
-bug fix: allow fetching images from media library post type for the galleries
-bug fix: don't show first item in filter when no...

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thanks to dear member @chavez updated Unlimited Elements for Elementor Page Builder with a new update entry:


-feature: added "iframe" gallery type to the gallery items
-bug fix: fixed the "show/hide edit html button" option from general settings
-bug fix: fixed the general_settings.xml php error
-bug fix: fixed some issue with gallery loading on pages and current meta keys
-change: added some improvements for the form
-change: set video placeholder to dynamic galleries in case of video item
-bug fix: fixed default value in datetime control

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thanks to dear member @chavez updated Unlimited Elements for Elementor Page Builder with a new update entry:


-bug fix: fixed some post filters detection issues on the page
-bug fix: fixed some "$type not found" message in php
-bug fix: fixed some "infinite template found: " message in php (emtpy template load protection)
-change: added instagram api access error message
-change: removed "import with images" functionality. replaced by doubly plugin.

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thanks to dear member @theresa updated Unlimited Elements for Elementor Page Builder with a new update entry:


* Feature: Introduced the change log option in the widget editor.
* Feature: Introduced the ability to connect with Google API for multi-source options.
* Feature: Included an option to link with Google Sheets under the general settings for forms.
* Feature: Integrated a "show globals" feature in troubleshooting for enhanced diagnostics.
* Feature: Implemented the capability to output cart fragments for the woo mini cart.
* Feature: Provided an option for "none" under lightbox-type in...

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thanks to dear member @richard updated Unlimited Elements for Elementor Page Builder with a new update entry:


* Change: updated freemius version
* Change: changed export change log text format
* feature: added option: slider_video_autoplay to the galleries for autoplay the videos as item changes
* feature: added option include by certain taxonomies in related posts query
* feature: added automatic recognition of video thumbnail id in some sort of galleries by relevant post meta
* bug fix: made the exclude users option in users query handle many user records (ajax based)
* bug fix: fixed some wrong...

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thanks to dear member @theresa updated Unlimited Elements for Elementor Page Builder with a new update entry:


* Feature: added option to message individual fields for the form
* Change: removed instagram blocked api message - the instagram functionality is active now!
* Change: added default values to currency fields
* bug fix: fixed small php bug regarding date field in items
* bug fix: fixed some small xss vulnurability that pachstack discovered

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thanks to dear member @netman updated Unlimited Elements for Elementor Page Builder with a new update entry:


* Feature: Ensure that the blog displayed on the "Home" page of the plugin is always up-to-date.
* Feature: Implemented support for tags in the widget catalog.
* Feature: Added an option for galleries to play videos in muted mode.
* Feature: Integrated weather forecast data preparation for the widget.
* Fix: Addressed some minor potential security risks associated with the import templates functionality.
* Fix: Rectified email validation for Form Email2.
* Fix: Resolved some issues with the...

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thanks to dear member @chavez updated Unlimited Elements for Elementor Page Builder with a new update entry:


* Feature: added option for time_ago_short in timelines that will show shorter version of minutes and hours text
* Feature: added defaults for weather widget
* Fix: fixed hourly weather fields
* Fix: fixed the import with images functionality
* Fix: set default timeout to remote requests
* Fix: fixed the image duplicate when importing templates

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