Vipub - The Advanced Social Network PHP Script

Vipub - The Advanced Social Network PHP Script 1.3

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work Master Sergeant
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Oct 14, 2021
thanks to dear member @work submitted a new resource:

Vipub - The Advanced Social Network PHP Script - Vipub is a new generation script with which you can create your own social media platform!

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Vipub is a new generation script with which you can create your own social media platform!

Visit VipubSM’s website now: Check the demo.

VipubSM is an analogue of social media platforms Instagram and Twitter.
With the VipubSM script, you can use your website as a “question/answer” site, as a news portal, or as a full social networking platform.

VipubSM will always continue to be developed and updated.
1. Powerful, functional and next-generation modern...

Read more about this resource...
Tested and More Issue
1.if run install.php to start it .
issue 1:
lost dbconnect.phtml
please create
with code:
$vipub_db_host = 'localhost';
$vipub_db_user = 'test14';
$vipub_db_pass = 'test14';
$vipub_db_name = 'test14';
firefox was touch this issue
Warning: require_once(languages/English.phtml)
only part browser was success to visit like google .

3.more SQL is easy to do something for backdoor.
