WooCommerce Product Bundles

WooCommerce Product Bundles 7.1.0

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matthew First Sergeant
Bronze Member
Aug 30, 2021
matthew submitted a new resource:

WooCommerce Product Bundles - A complete product grouping toolkit for creating customizable product kits and assembled products

View attachment 8375
A complete product grouping toolkit for creating customizable product kits and assembled products
Product bundling is one of the most effective marketing strategies around
. Bundle a few products together, offer them at a discount, and watch your sales soar!

But bundling is not all about boosting sales — product grouping is also essential for creating product kits and assembled products.

Product Bundles is a flexible product grouping toolkit...

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thanks to dear member @hargrave updated WooCommerce Product Bundles with a new update entry:

v6.15.1 Nulled

Download WooCommerce Product Bundles v6.15.1 Nulled Free
2022.03.30 - v6.15.1

* Fix - Added support for composited bundles when using the new Cart and Checkout blocks - requires Composite Products 8.4.0.
* Fix - Group bundled items in single 'Includes' meta when viewing the legacy mini cart.
* Fix - Appended list of bundled items next to composited container bundles in the cart widget.
* Fix - Fixed an issue that prevented bundled item quantity inputs from appearing in bundles when...

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thanks to dear member @Mathias updated WooCommerce Product Bundles with a new update entry:


Download WooCommerce Product Bundles v6.16.0 Nulled Free
2022.07.12 - v6.16.0

* Tweak - Improved support for the Min/Max Quantities 'Group of' feature.
* Tweak - Introduced client-side min/max/default quantity validation.
* Tweak - Introduced basic telemetry to collect data on extension usage when tracking is enabled.
* Fix - Fixed a fatal error that was triggered from calling product functions on string.
* Fix - Fixed a fatal error that was triggered when invalidating order cache.

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thanks to dear member @emmie updated WooCommerce Product Bundles with a new update entry:


Download WooCommerce Product Bundles v6.16.1 Nulled Free
2022.08.29 - v6.16.1

* Important - The Min/Max Quantities integration requires Min/Max Quantities v3+.
* Fix - Fixed fatal error that was triggered when trying to add a Bundle with invalid configuration to an order.
* Tweak - Ensure that the Min/Max Quantities integration code affecting bundled item variations runs only in Product Bundles context.
* Tweak - Update the bundled item step in the cart/checkout block based on the...

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thanks to dear member @emmie updated WooCommerce Product Bundles with a new update entry:


Download WooCommerce Product Bundles v6.17.0 Nulled Free
2022.09.13 - v6.17.0
* Important - PHP 7.0 is now required.
* Tweak - Prevent the 'Optional' box from being checked when the Minimum Quantity is zero.
* Fix - Fixed a fatal error that was triggered by the Min/Max Quantities integration when an old version of the extension was in use.

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thanks to dear member @theresa updated WooCommerce Product Bundles with a new update entry:


* New - Introduced 'woocommerce_bundled_item_get_unfiltered_regular_price_start' and 'woocommerce_bundled_item_get_unfiltered_regular_price_end' action hooks.
* Fix - Fixed a PHP warning that showed up when importing products without bundled items.
* Fix - Fixed tracking data for priced individually bundled items whose prices are hidden in product templates.

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thanks to dear member @hargrave updated WooCommerce Product Bundles with a new update entry:


* Fix - Important: Updated the 'bundle-add-to-cart-wrap.php' template to resolve an issue that prevented Bundle notices from showing up when the mini-cart block was used.
* Tweak - Use admin theme colors in admin.
* Fix - Ensure that the 'Currently editing' notice shows up in the block-based Single Product Template when editing a Bundle.
* Fix - Fixed an issue that prevented the Minimum/Maximum size validation from running on the block-based Single Product template.

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thanks to dear member @theresa updated WooCommerce Product Bundles with a new update entry:


* New - Important: Added compatibility with PHP 8.3.
* New - Important: Product Bundles now requires Composite Products 9.0+.
* New - Important: Product Bundles now requires Product Add-Ons 6.7.0+.
* Fix - Fixed an issue that prevented the 'Sale' badge from showing up in Bundles with only optional items, whose Min Bundle Size was greater than 1.
* Fix - Fixed an issue where the 'woocommerce_variation_option_name' hook was called with the incorrect number of arguments.

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