NullPro Community

theresa First Sergeant
Bronze Member
badge id 2 2 Years of Membership badge id 1 1 Year of Membership badge id 13 100 Messages badge id 14 500 Messages
Sep 11, 2021
thanks to dear member @baumgartner updated Wpforms Pro with a new update entry:

v1.7.4.2 Nulled

Download WPForms Pro v1.7.4.2 - Drag & Drop WordPress Forms Plugin Nulled Free
[v1.7.4.2] - 2022-05-19

### Changed
- DOMPurify library updated to 2.3.8.

### Fixed
- PHP notices avoided in Lite Connect if decrypted entry data didn't contain required keys.
- Lite Connect: entries counting and import-complete notice improved.
- WordPress 6.0 compatibility: WPForms block styling fixed inside the Full Site Editor.

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thanks to dear member @Mathias updated Wpforms Pro with a new update entry:


Download WPForms Pro v1.7.5 - Drag & Drop WordPress Forms Plugin Nulled Free
[v1.7.5] - 2022-06-28

### Added
- Form Tags: add tags to forms with an ability to filter by them; bulk add/edit/delete tags for multiple forms.
- Payment details stored in entries are now searchable.
- Display the status of the Lite Connect setting and the date-time when it was enabled (Tools > System Info).
- New `{unique_value}` smart tag.

### Changed
- The sodium library is now included in WordPress core...

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thanks to dear member @Mathias updated Wpforms Pro with a new update entry:

v1.7.5.2 Untouched

Download WPForms Pro v1.7.5.2 - Drag & Drop WordPress Forms Plugin Nulled Free
[v1.7.5.2] - 2022-07-15

### Fixed
- Increase chances for the templates inside the Form Builder to load properly, so occasional empty form creation from a template should be gone.
- PHP fatal error was generated in some cases when Lite Connect attempted to generate site key too many times.

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thanks to dear member @Joshua updated Wpforms Pro with a new update entry:

v1.7.5.3 Untouched

Download WPForms Pro v1.7.5.3 - Drag & Drop WordPress Forms Plugin Nulled Free
[v1.7.5.3] - 2022-07-19

### Added
- New filter to modify CSS classes of the form submit button on the frontend.

### Changed
- The PayPal Standard transaction URL now uses a new format on the Entry details page.
- Improve cached templates handling in the Form Builder.

### Fixed
- Retrieving a current URL should not strip a custom port.
- "JavaScript file not found" error when the "Load Assets Globally"...

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thanks to dear member @Joshua updated Wpforms Pro with a new update entry:

v1.7.6 Nulled

Download WPForms Pro v1.7.6 - Drag & Drop WordPress Forms Plugin Nulled Free
[v1.7.6] - 2022-08-16

### Added
- Entries can now be checked against the Akismet API to prevent spam submissions.
- When exporting entries on the Tools > Export page all items can be selected or deselected easily with a single click in Form Fields and Additional Information sections.

### Changed
- Only 3 uploaded files are now displayed in the table on the Entries list page.
- Paragraph and multiline long...

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thanks to dear member @hargrave updated Wpforms Pro with a new update entry:


  • Added: Introducing a completely new Layout field to help you build advanced form layouts that automatically adjust to the users’ screen size.
  • Added: All templates are now available on our new Form Templates admin page.
  • Added: Form Templates can now be marked as favorite for easier access inside the Form Builder.
  • Added: The form fields column can now be collapsed in the Form Builder to give more space to the form preview panel.
  • Added: Form submission values can now be...

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thanks to dear member @netman updated Wpforms Pro with a new update entry:


### Added
- There is a new filter `wpforms_builder_panel_sidebar_section_classes` to change builder panel sidebar section classes.

### Changed
- Updated DOMPurify library to 2.4.0.

### Fixed
- Placeholder text in the Dropdown field was cut off in the Form Builder.
- The Form Builder had an inconsistent text strings escaping.
- The information about "no form templates to display" did not disappear when a category was changed.

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thanks to dear member @pansy updated Wpforms Pro with a new update entry:

11 November 2022

### Added
- Introducing a completely new Content field to help you easily add formatted text to your forms.
- Submitted files can now be attached to the notification email, that is configurable on the Form Builder > Notifications screen.
- All anti-spam protection settings are grouped in one place in the Form Builder > Settings for easier access.
- You can now completely block form submissions from certain countries.
- You can also block form submissions that contain particular keywords.

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thanks to dear member @hargrave updated Wpforms Pro with a new update entry:


### Added
- Icon Choices feature for Checkboxes, Multiple Choice, Checkbox Items, and Multiple Items payment fields - a selection of 2000+ icons can now be used with your choices!

### Changed
- Avoid rendering the WPForms Import admin page if the user lacks `unfiltered_html` capability.
- Respect site settings for displaying avatars on the Revisions screen in the Form Builder.
- Minor CSS adjustments on the Entry details page.
- Color picker fields in the Form Builder are now correctly...

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thanks to dear member @chavez updated Wpforms Pro with a new update entry:

13 January 2023

- Layout fields were not shown when they were on any page other than the first page of a multi-page form and conditional logic was enabled on at least one field within the Layout field.
- Incorrect spacing around the Submit button in the Form Builder was fixed.
- Missing assets were added to the plugin.

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thanks to dear member @richard updated Wpforms Pro with a new update entry:

15 January 2023

### Added
- Prevent spam submissions using the new Cloudflare Turnstile anti-spam integration. You can find it on the Settings > CAPTCHA page.

### Changed
- Custom Captcha and Section Divider fields are now excluded from custom fields mapping in marketing addons.
- Filter by country and filter by keyword error messages are now displayed above the Submit button.
- Non-public taxonomies should not be displayed in Dynamic Choices' available sources.
- The "Resend Notifications" link on the...

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thanks to dear member @Jocelyn updated Wpforms Pro with a new update entry:

29 March 2023

### Added
- Modern Form Styles - easily control the appearance of form fields, labels, and buttons without writing code, right inside the Block Editor.
- The new filter `wpforms_frontend_assets_header_force_load` allows forcing load assets in the header which is useful when the form is in the sidebar widget and similar locations.
- The new filter `wpforms_entry_preview_get_start_page_break_id_force_first` allows showing all fields from the beginning of the form to the current entry preview...

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thanks to dear member @asa updated Wpforms Pro with a new update entry:


- Checkboxes were shifting when the limit choices rule was triggered.
- "Ask for a review" admin notice links improperly opened new tab.
- Empty checkboxes and radio fields were not hidden when printing entries.
- The Next button was not blocked when the File upload field triggered any error.
- The message design has been adjusted for a valid license notification after upgrading to Pro with an invalid/expired license.
- The "Unselected Choices" option worked incorrectly for Dynamic...

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