- FIX: links in Crocoblock Dashboard
- FIX: nested provider preloader
- FIX: ePro products add query args condition
- FIX: no update indexer if 'Change Counters' = 'never'
- FIX: the 'paged' property has added by default
- FIX: Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property on PHP 8.1+
- FIX: _plain_query::post__in single value
- FIX: Products Loop sorting on reload
- FIX: ePro loop grid sorting filter
- FIX: ePro Loop Grid if global widget
- FIX: url aliases
- FIX: location & distance filter with redirect
- FIX: getting additional filters
- FIX: deprecated
- FIX: indexer value with quotation mark
- FIX: datepicker on mobile devices
- FIX: ePro archive products pagination on reload
- FIX: epro-archive-products removed the addition of jet_smart_filters argument from the archive query
- FIX: plain URL aliases with pagination on direct link or reload
- FIX: Warning after update
- UPD: changing the default Ajax Request Type value to "self"
- UPD: Icons Font
- FIX: filter Apply on -> Click on apply button
- FIX: Filter Data Source->Custom Fields Bulk Manual Input meta field
- FIX: indexer auto re-indexing with serialized data
- FIX: query key_var check
- ADD: Date Range / Date Period datepicker available dates range
- ADD: Date Range / Date Period option Date Type -> Posted / Modified
- ADD: default filter value
- ADD: group terms by parents option Сollapsible
- FIX: prevent warning if no terms included/excluded
- FIX: Bricks. Critical Error
- UPD: jet-dashboard
* ADD: valid url params filter
* FIX: ePro Products / ePro Archive Products for search result page
* FIX: Is Checkbox Meta Field option for checkbox meta field created created using the ACF plugin
* FIX: function maybe_parse_repeater_options adding an array check
* FIX: prevent PHP notices
* FIX: if filter option "Exclude Or Include Items" is empty
* FIX: Ajax Request Type -> Referrer / Self plus mixed type pagination
* FIX: correctly parse meta parameters with colon
* FIX: additional providers of duplicate filters
* FIX(Bricks): override main WP query when 'Is main query' option is true
* FIX(Bricks): the method for deleting query cache has been added
* FIX(Bricks): disabling cache option during AJAX.
* ADD: datepicker calendar horizontal offset style option
* ADD: compat with Elementor Lazy Load Background Images feature
* FIX: Auto-index with checkboxes
* FIX: JSF loadmore compatibility for the query loop provider has added
* FIX: Archive Products added Automatically align buttons option when filtering
* FIX: ePro Products Source -> Current Query
* FIX: prevent php notice on calendar ajax action
* FIX: Range filter input type
* ADD: Added provider preloader
* ADD: Admin UI. Added a list of warnings why the update button is blocked
* ADD: All option and ability to deselect in visual filter when radio behavior
* ADD: Add possibility to use filter values in JetEngine query
* ADD: tabindex with Date Period
* UPD: Hierarchical select
* UPD: redesigned pagination and active elements templates to support unsafe-eval
* FIX: sync search filter with the same
* FIX: Range filter max value input
* FIX: Indexer not working correctly
* FIX: fatal error when WPML CMS is disable but WPML string translation is enable
* FIX: Select filter Get Choices From Field Data from WooCommerce Product Data meta box
* FIX: sorting from customizer is reset when use filter and Listing Grid
* FIX: JetEngin listing grid custom styles on load more
* FIX: Bricks. filtration on search result page
* FIX: Bricks. Accordion doesn't work after filtering
* ADD: sorting filter WPML support
* ADD: .gitattributes
* UPD: optimization for product indexing
* FIX: range filter input decimal numbers
* FIX: additional filters with URL params
* FIX: ePro loop load more with styles
* FIX: Active filters value Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
* FIX: booking listing & indexer