* ADD: sorting filter WPML support
* ADD: .gitattributes
* UPD: optimization for product indexing
* FIX: range filter input decimal numbers
* FIX: additional filters with URL params
* FIX: ePro loop load more with styles
* FIX: Active filters value Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
* FIX: booking listing & indexer
* UPD: cherry-x-vue-ui
* FIX: eProo loop custom post types & draft posts with current query
* FIX: ePro Posts excerpt + filters
* FIX: rewrite permalink rule for custom structure post_id
* FIX: ePro Loop indexer
* FIX: rating filter on page reload
* FIX: added filter bricks/query/force_run
* FIX: moved the location of the filter `bricks/query/no_results_content` before rendering
* ADD: block editor additional providers
* ADD: range filter Inputs thousands and decimal separators
* ADD: allow disabling apply button in the Search filter
* ADD: ePro loop "No Result Text" option
* UPD: allow to register custom query variables for different request types
* UPD: allow to rewrite default query for provider and query ID pair
* UPD: ePro loop default query
* UPD: jetDashboard framework
* FIX: changing duplicated filters on change
* FIX: ePro loop + predefined filters
* FIX: date range/period RTL datepicker arrows
* FIX: comparison operator with decimal numbers
* FIX: visual filter img alt
* FIX: date filter if date 1970-1-1
* FIX: ePro loop alternate template static item position
* FIX: admin multilingual custom flag
* FIX: hierarchical select filter shows empty options
* FIX: bricks showing and hiding the load more button after filtering
* ADD: Elementor Pro Loop Grid provider
* ADD: admin multilingual support
* ADD: additional settings dropdown N selected
* ADD: date period filter Min/Max Dates operations
* ADD: 'Comparison type' option for 'Comparison operator'
* ADD: process shortcodes in 'URL with filtered value' dynamic tag
* UPD: checkbox filter with dropdown update selected items on input change, not on filter change
* UPD: not include children for 'Intersection' relational operator
* UPD: filter each query type key after indexing
* UPD: JetDashboard module
* FIX: admin dropdown outside click
* FIX: custom fields JetEngine WPML string translation
* FIX: current WP Query & Indexer compatibility
* FIX: hierarchical filter with additional providers
* FIX: ePro Posts returns "0.66" value instead blank list for 0 results
* FIX: elementor popup with filters
* FIX: elementor popup with "Improved Asset Loading" option
* FIX: click Back button after applying filters with a redirect
* FIX: visual filter when dragging item changes image
* FIX: fatal error in dynamic tag when filter is deleted
* FIX: ePro Portfolio masonry